Newbie question

After reading numerous threads on germination, best methods etc., I decided to do the following :
Scuffed my seed, soaked it 6 hours in a glass of water( it sunk after I pushed it down) and placed it in a hydrated jiffy pellet. After 2 days, I noticed the hull of the seed breaking through the surface. I should mention that on the 2nd day I placed my covered tray on a warm surface. Today is the 3rd day and I can see a bent over stem with the seed hull stuck on 1 leaf and it looks really fragile. I have taken the dome on and off today to let it breathe a little but I have yet to rewet the pellet and I think I will just leave the dome on tonight and see how the stem and pellet look in the morning. This is my 1st grow and I have no grow lights as eventually they will go outside in 5 gallon buckets. Should I keep the cover off now? The pellet is starting to dry but I'm hesitant to water it yet as it is still pretty dark on top. Any advise would be welcome.


Well-Known Member
I's keep it covered bc you want to keep that seed moist so it breaks its shell. The increased Rh is good too. OK?