Newbie Needs Help with Flowering Process..Any Help Greatly Appreciated!


Active Member
Hello all,

i am very new to this forum but have got lots of great info from some of you gurus out there...ok here is what i have

i am growing 1 A.M.S. feminized from dr chronic...using garden of ease and 150 watt hps from start to finish...i vegged my plant for about 4 weeks (until 1 foot tall) that is not what i planned on doing but bought a house after i started and i didnt expect to find one that fast...i then switched to 12/12 16 days ago and still have not shown sex..i am growing in an attic where the temps vary from 60-88 degress fahrenheight.. there is a vent in the attic so i use a big box fan for exhaust and blow the heat out or i imagine temps would reach over 100...i hung extra carpet i had laying around to block the light coming from the vent but had to leave the very ends of the room open so the heat could escape...i also run my lights at night and turn them out during the day to avoid excess heat from the 150 watt light...there is a litte light in the ends of the room that are open but if i look up there at my plant i cant see it its completly dark around the area of the plant and about a 5 ft radius around...would that keep it from showing sex?...would it being so young make it take so long?...could the high heat be doing it?...or could all the above be the culprit...or am i just to impatient and need to burn and chill LOL

i am using gen hydropincs flora series 3 part nutes...which i have to reccommend highly...i have not had 1 issue with nutes or PH ( which i keep at 6.5 constantly)..i went through all the stages as they reccomend but only went 1 week instead of 2...i just switched to full bloom nutes 2 days ago though i ran transition nutes for 2 weeks...i also had to start tieing the plant down 2 days ago because the top was getting to close to the lights and i was worried it would get that bad to do after switching to 12/12 because of stress or anything......this is my first grow so i really dont know what to expect...the A.M.S. strain is a sativa indica mix so flowering should be around 9 weeks from what the good dr. reccommend...the plant now stands roughly 18" tall...that is as much info i can think about off the top of my head..if you need anymore info to be able to help me just ask...i will get some pics up when my lights come back on at 8...thank you for any help and it is a pleasure to meet you folks...i am looking forward to getting to know you guys!!!


Well-Known Member
if the plant isent completely dark in the dark period you could have problems, here is a rule of thumb you should try, when you have the lights off see if you can see your hand in front of you, if you can then it is too much light. it needs to be dark as possible. and because ur crop is young has nothing to do with anything also, , and/or the heat, as far as ur crop not showing sex. but at 16 days on 12/12 you should wait another week or so till they show sex, sometime it can take a few weeks from 12/12.
if you need anymore help with anything just post back on this thread my friend. and i will answer if i can. and welcome to rollitup


Active Member
cool thanks i did the hand test and i couldnt see my hand so i think i am ok...i have been searching for others who have grown the A.M.S. strain to compare with but havent found much other than people r happy with the finished product...nothing about how long it took to show i am assuming i am ok on tieng it down also...i read another thread and someone reccomended another member do this is where i got the idea i just wanted to confirm it was more question..i am using silica stone as my medium...i have been searching and cant find hardly anyone who has used it as a medium..i did however read somewhere that the dust from the stone is good for the plants because of something to do with cells? do you know anything about this silica stone stuff and what benefit it does give my plant if any..if nothing major i think im gonna go the hydroton route the next time...thank you very much for all your help....ill get them pics up sometime tonight


Well-Known Member
i haven`t personally used the silica stone, so i cant recommend it. i have always used hydroton, and with excellent results. and yea dude get those pics up, i wanna check these out, and see what your working with


Active Member
k here are the pics...let me know what you think...i just kinda started at the bottom and went up the stem...i also snapped a couple shots of the tops of a couple branches and then the very top of the plant...let me know what you think and if you think its in preflower or what...if you need better pics let me know also



Active Member
i know im full of questions but do you count flowering period from the day you switch to 12/12 or do you start counting when the plant preflowers or shows sex?...i cant figure out how to tell if my baby is even in preflower yet? i can see where the buds are gonna grow ( the tops anyway) but they just keep filling in with leaves...i went ahead and closed off the ends of the room last night just to make sure thats not the if there was to much light for it to show sex what is gonna happen is it gonna turn hermie on me? after all it is a feminized seed i grew so it should be a female

found a good thread on preflower..i think i found my answer that there are no preflowers either...i am more confused than ever about flowering starting from the time switched to 12/12 or when pistils show...about 50% say when u switch light cycle and about 50% say when u see pistils


Well-Known Member
i dident see any preflowering in any of the pics, but just give it a little while longer, other then that looks pretty healthy, nice and green.
and technically when you have it on a 12/12, but some poeple count when preflowers show. and the preflowers will show where the nodes/branches split off from the main stalk, usually you`ll start to see them near the top first to a few nodes down, and on the top cola of the plant itself. try looking for the female hairs and from their you`ll see more and more preflowers.
and i woulden`t worry too much about the light situation and it causeing it to mess up your crop, i`d give it another week or so and you should see some preflowering, maybe, but i have grown some strains that took longer then 3 weeks to show preflowers, and some shorter. and if their was some light leaking in it probilly would make it go hermie, or not it just might not go into flowering or stunt its growth in some kind of way. but you should be cool though, its not uncommon at 16 days or so for them not to be showing preflowering yet, so just chill, wait another week or so and check back. and don`t worry about all the questions, i don`t mind at all dude.


Active Member
yeah i pretty much figured it out just kinda wanted to hear it from u...i think i will be ok it is growing at the same rate it has been pretty much the whole time..i have been tiein it down and it now is growing horizonially..its kinda cool i just hope it dont fuck my shit up....if it does turn hermie i will be super disappointed with it bein my first attempt..especially because of a silly reason like buddies all told me to go soil cuz i would mess up the hydro system and nutes so im trying to give em the finger if u know what i had to go hydro because of the short time frame i have and if it does somehow fudge up at least i learned how to do it and can use it to my benefit later on down the road...thanks for all the help bro ill report back hopefully tonight that the dirty biatch flashed me..or not


Well-Known Member
look at the third node in the v where the branch comes off you should see tiny thing that looks kinda like a flower before bloom with a tiny white hair coming out of the center


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

i am very new to this forum but have got lots of great info from some of you gurus out there...ok here is what i have

i am growing 1 A.M.S. feminized from dr chronic...using garden of ease and 150 watt hps from start to finish...i vegged my plant for about 4 weeks (until 1 foot tall) that is not what i planned on doing but bought a house after i started and i didnt expect to find one that fast...i then switched to 12/12 16 days ago and still have not shown sex..i am growing in an attic where the temps vary from 60-88 degress fahrenheight.. there is a vent in the attic so i use a big box fan for exhaust and blow the heat out or i imagine temps would reach over 100...i hung extra carpet i had laying around to block the light coming from the vent but had to leave the very ends of the room open so the heat could escape...i also run my lights at night and turn them out during the day to avoid excess heat from the 150 watt light...there is a litte light in the ends of the room that are open but if i look up there at my plant i cant see it its completly dark around the area of the plant and about a 5 ft radius around...would that keep it from showing sex?...would it being so young make it take so long?...could the high heat be doing it?...or could all the above be the culprit...or am i just to impatient and need to burn and chill LOL

i am using gen hydropincs flora series 3 part nutes...which i have to reccommend highly...i have not had 1 issue with nutes or PH ( which i keep at 6.5 constantly)..i went through all the stages as they reccomend but only went 1 week instead of 2...i just switched to full bloom nutes 2 days ago though i ran transition nutes for 2 weeks...i also had to start tieing the plant down 2 days ago because the top was getting to close to the lights and i was worried it would get that bad to do after switching to 12/12 because of stress or anything......this is my first grow so i really dont know what to expect...the A.M.S. strain is a sativa indica mix so flowering should be around 9 weeks from what the good dr. reccommend...the plant now stands roughly 18" tall...that is as much info i can think about off the top of my head..if you need anymore info to be able to help me just ask...i will get some pics up when my lights come back on at 8...thank you for any help and it is a pleasure to meet you folks...i am looking forward to getting to know you guys!!!
I'm too lazy to look if anyone has already posted this.. so.. sorry if this has already been mentioned. ;)

If your still with a 12/12 ON:OFF schedule.. you might want to try increasing the night cycle. I had to do this with a strain I had.. in order to get it to start flowering. I don't have the answer as to why.. but I had to do it and it worked great for me.

I switched from 12/12 to something more around 10/14 ON:OFF but you don't have to go that far.. you could just switch them to like 11/13

hope this helped..



Active Member
thanks i actually was wondering about turning the lights out longer...i just wasnt sure how...i read alot of people do 8/16 but that sounds a bit drastic to me...hell i was reading one guy trying 12/36 awhile back...i think im gonna give it its regular light cycle tonight and see what happens...the nodes are starting to alternate so doesnt that mean something about transitioning to flowering or something? thanks for all the help guys