Newbie...needing advice for hydros in cabinets


Active Member
What's up guys,

I am a new guy to this growing stuff...i usually just burn it but i want to grow my own stuff to burn....anyways...I was going to grow in a homemade cabinet about 4-5 plants. I was just looking for suggestions and advice that you guys could offer not get caught and so I can yield alot. Well, if you could could you answer some of these questions and give me some advice about growing...

how much will 4-5 plants yield?
will attaching carbon replacement filters to the exhaust tubes take away the smell?
should i put mylar all over the cabinets in both growing and flowering cabinets?
how to minimize risk of getting caught...

thanks guys...i'm sorry to bother you guys but i figure i ask you folks cuz' i want to learn from the best. I appreciate it. Thanks


Well-Known Member
How much will 4-5 plants yield? To many variables to be sure but with the right set up you can get alot. I run a 400 watt hps (up to six plants) and get between 1-3 oz per plant depending on strain and veg time.

Carbon filters will help greatly eliminate smell.

I use mylar around both my grow rooms and I think it helps a lot.

Don't want to get caught then shut your mouth, watch your smell and light leaks, and did I mention SHUT YOUR MOUTH, and you will be ok.

you can check out my journal the link is in my signature line to see my small set up if your interested.

Charlie Green

Well-Known Member
if u want to make own weed and good weed with clean way and stealth way then i recommend you to build a cabinet for your mother and clones and then build a closet setup for flowering with style of SOG! "Sea of Green". You should check out my topic! I just posted my pictures as well.


Remember most important is that u call your electric company and tell them that u bought some kind of Air machine becoz you are "alergic" and then tell them story that your local sellsman who sold you that machine told u to call your electric company to raise your monthly bill. So that way its O.K with electric bill. And them second thing is that u Shut your mouth!!! :neutral:

GL mate!