Newbie Looking for any and all advice.

Hello all and thanks in advance for your answers.
I'm hella new to this and found myself in a "mad craze" rushing out to buy any and everything I needed to grow my own plants once they changed the laws in VA.

I'm wondering if you all can take a look at my babies as well as my set up let me know what I have right, could be doing wrong. Also I've heard about trimming because It helps to increase yeilds but truthfully I don't know where to start, which ones to trim, do I take the whole branch Or just cut the fan leaves off?

Sorry for the crappy pictures, but the the tallest one is White Rhino, it looks malnourished compared to the smaller more fuller Caramelicious Feminized, which is way bushier is this normal? Today is the start of their 5th week, the third one you see the smallest one is Blue Berry, they all are autos. I had them from seedling to about 2 weeks ago on a 16/8 light schedule until reading more about it and changed it to 18/6 was that a bad move?

I have them under 2 different lights 1 is a Philzon I purchased from Amazon it advertised 1200 W but on the back of the light it says 265W. The other I got from Wish it's a no name it advertised 1000w but says 110w on the back of it. I figured all together I'm running 350-375w. Is that enough/too much? I have a 4x4 Quictent. The temps up until about a week ago were in the 83 to 93 range and humidity between 38 and sometimes shot up to 80% but that was in the beginning before I got a dehumidifier. I purchased an AC Infinity Cloud T4 and installed a little over a week ago and now it runs between 78 to 88f and 30 to 48 percent humidity.

I fed it a combo of the general hydroponics (floramicro, floragro and flora bloom) since the beginning, the last 2 weeks (2 waterings)I've only given her water out the tap that I PH down to get it to a 6 ph level. Sadly I admit I haven't been using a TDS meter or checking how many parts are in the nutrients mix. I switched to plain water because I noticed a yellowing of a few of the edges of the bottom leaves of Caramelicious so to be safe I wanted to flush them all and start the nute cycle over.

I think I pretty much covered my set up. Any advice or comments would be appreciated. I know Im going to mess up alot but am so excited to grow my own budz. I also am growing cucumbers, carrots, and lettuce in another smaller 2x3 tent I have. Is it wise to grow other plants like cucumbers in the same tent as weed??

Once again thanks for your feedback.


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-start whatever training techniques you think suit your grow as soon as the plants will allow (defoliating fan leaves to allow bud sites to get more light, topping, wiring branches down to spread the canopy, supercropping, etc....there are many ways to train your plants and get the canopy you want - mo flatta mo betta in my opinion)
-don't veg too long and let them get too tall for your space - they will likely double or even triple in height after you flip
-always pH your water, can't stress this enough
-try to get used to watering by weight, it's the most accurate way to get each individual plant what they actually need.
-i heard a piece of advice that said "the best fertilizer is a farmer's shadow" - these are words i live by.

that's all i can think of for now. i'm actually on my first grow too, so plenty to learn for us both here.

for the first 6 or 7 weeks of my grow i was envisioning a flat uniform canopy, so everything i did was with that in mind. i took tons of lower stuff off once they got big enough and all throughout have been removing big fan leaves that block potential bud sites. the plants are incredibly resilient and you will have success even with a pretty basic recipe, as long as you don't fuck up that pH thing (learned this one from experience)


Nice set up bro, what kind of lights are those? Also by "flip" to you mean change the light cycle, or flip the bloom switch on instead of veg, or both??? Also how do you know when to flip? I planted them 5 weeks ago today, is it too soon to flip? Thanks in advance, and wow your plants look nice!!! I'm almost scared to mess with mine, think I might just use this first run to observe and learn how the plant operates first hand. I have a couple of other seedlings growing and think I will use those to try lst and trimming.
tuck them big leaves out of the way, let them secondary nodes get some real light! yeah, those secondary nodes are growing way to slow for a seedling that is that big!