Newbie Intro


I have been stalking the threads for some time now and decided today to join. I'm a middle aged Veteran with severe PTSD. I have 36 months combat with the 82d in Iraq. Cannabis affords me sleep and anxiety control. I consume very little nowadays as compared to my younger days. I plan to grow enough for my personal consumption only. I do have questions but will try to place them in the appropriate threads. Glad to meet you...


Well-Known Member
Let me be the first to welcome you to our family and to say thank you for your service !!!!! i grew up an air force brat myself and know how hard it is for all our service people and your families (again thank you) this is the best place on the web, make sure you search the forms most of the answers to you questions are already there. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Welcome, I know the excitement you must be feeling leading up to your first grow, best wishes, don't let excitement cloud your judgment though :) Be very picky when it comes to your sativa selection… I've grown 2 or 3 sativa leaners that made the anxiety worse… like laying in bed thinking about the problems of the world kinda shit. Like someone else said do some research on them. You're starting from seed or local clones?


Thanks for the greetings. I'll be starting from seed. I'll probably build the box next month and germinate in December. I'm nervous with the first grow but I'm tired of risking it buying every couple months when I can actually find it. Its a real hassle...