newbie here. plant trouble plz help


Active Member
Hello all,

Indoor grow under CFLs roughly week 5 of Veg. I used M.G potting
soil (I know now to never use that again from what I am reading)

I am seeing what looks like a small green snake running threw the leaves.
It starts with a small light green spot then looks like a tail running on
the leave. Its started on the lowest leaves and when it got to bad I
removed the leaves. Now it seems to be spreading to other leaves. I have
I almost 2 foot plant and another smaller one and I am seeing it on both.

Any ideas? I am a total Noob so any ideas would be great. Is it Burn from the potting soil? spider mights?


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Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
Flush the plant with water no nutes. give it a couple of days, if it gets better its nute burn or salt build up. if it doesnt work Get a ph meter and check the soil. Have never seen nute burn that runs in a line could be infested? if that doesnt work let me know and well go from there..............


Well-Known Member
Without pics hard! Do you have any bugs on the undersides of leafs? Are the trails shiny? If yes, then it might be Thribs.
Try the pest section as well, maybe you can see a pic there.
I'm a Noob too ;) ,I would see if the symptoms are symmetric, if yes, then it's less likely to be a pest.
Good luck,


Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
If it is thrips try spraying some neem oil on both sides of the leaves and do it again a week later should clear it up if it is!