Newbie Help

Ok, im aka the GOAT, im starting of with 2 girls that were cloned. Bluecheese and a NYCD are my two strains both have been veggin since i got the clones 4-29 and its now 6-4. I live under the Upstate NY sun, which goes up around 6 and falls about 8-9 O clock. I dont want to veg till the sun shifts which i think is mid July. PLEASE help me with this answere, Is there a way to force flower while being outdoors????? And are they to big or small for the time that i have had them???? Heres some pics..the bushy one is Bluecheese and the other is NYC diseil

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
You can cover them up with something like a garbage can.

Days start getting shorter June 21, if you let them go they'll be finished in Oct.

Good luck.
So your saying vegg till june 21 and wait till october? So basicallly i shouldnt even pay attention to veg times and flower times, because i cant control it?