Newbie Grower With Questions


Active Member
Hi all,
Glad to find this link b/c I could use some GOOD advice!

My friend gave me a starter plant several months ago, and to my amazement, without knowing anything about growing it took off! It's an indoor plant that I just left in a window during the day and put on my deck when I'm home- no artificial lighting at all.

I did pick up a book on the basics and started the 12/12 lighting about a month ago and it began to flower. When the guy who gave it to me saw it (a few weeks ago), it was about 3.5 ft tall and very bushy, and he said the big leaves all needed to be trimmed off (to let light to the buds). So he basically gave it a serious "haircut". Then I read you should NOT do this, as these are the "lungs" of the plant! I told him about what I read, and he has been arguing with me that during the budding phase, that's what should be done. Since then, it has grown back some of the leaves and is continuing to produce some nice buds. The pistols on the upper buds are about 40-50% red, and I only want to harvest part of it at a time. I don't want him helping me, so I am hoping to find advice here about how to proceed.

Sorry, this is kind of long, but here are some of my questions:
1. Is is true about NOT trimming the big leaves until you harvest? (too late now, but just wondering, as he is telling me to trim more leaves)
2. I read that I should remove the smaller "wispy" buds ... yes? no?
3. How do I harvest only part of the plant? Can I just cut the upper branches or cut the branch from the bottom?

I would appreciate some help with this, and I am sure I will have more questions! :confused:




Well-Known Member
Hey, cool that he gave you the plant ect but i can understand you not wanting him to help, if you have raised her then you want to be in control of how she grows up!

Yea im pretty sure it is ok to cut of a branch that has buds that look ready, and then cure it whilst the plant continues to grow so you have some smoke while you wait :)

i know that some people trim of the big leaves to allow light to get to more of the plant/ trim of the bottom leaves if no light is getting to them at all, but im currently 3 weeks into my first grow so im just letting you know what ive read, not speaking from first hand experience yet!

I recall reading sum where that the hairs should be 60-80% red

Read around the forum and im sure you will soon find the answers to most of your questions, check out the grow FAQ's

If you upload pics it will be easier for people to give you advice.



Active Member
I uploaded a few picks - The ones with buds I just took today, and the plant is a little over 6 months now.

Also, tell me what you all think of this ... "My friend" gave me the plant out of the blue - no stipulations - and I did not ask for it. Then a few weeks ago, he told me that he would expect that I give him an ounce - but that he usually gets 50% of the harvest when he gives someone a plant and "teaches" them how to grow - like he's doing me a favor! I think that's fine, if you say something up front, but he didn't say anything about that until a month ago! And I really learned all on my own anyway. I don't have a problem giving him some, but that should be up to ME!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. I agree. Saying everyone gives him on oz is pure bull shit. How good of a friend is he? Anyone that tried anything like that with me wouldn't even be a friend let alone a good friend. If you want to get a lot of experience all at once, take a couple of clones from that plant. It will take longer, like a couple of months to revert them back to vegging plants and you will learn to 'look' at he plant. All of the old flowering material will have to be pruned off a little at a time. Nice looking plant. VV


Active Member
He actually said that he usually "gets" HALF!!, and since I was his "friend", he'd only expect an OZ! I've known him for about 4 years now, and I thought that was really F'ckd up! But then, he's also the kind of "friend" who says he'll give me a good deal on doing work on my house, then fcks it up, and doesn't fix it - and also wants bootie call when he's drunk - so I'm really not happy with him, but I can't blow him off since he knows about my plant and I wouldn't want it to just disappear :(


Well-Known Member
sounds like all he did was try to ruin your plant. removing all the fan leaves is just plain stupid. think about it. why are they there? if it didn't need them it wouldn't have them. these leaves collect light that produce photosynthesis which is what makes the plant grow. you said you read some books. once again he didn't help. i'd give him a little nugget. you can trim the lower fluffy buds or let them grow. i let mine grow and use them for hash.


Active Member
Then they try to act like they know what they're talking about. Shit, I learned about photosynthesis is what, 5th grade?? Apparently he didn't, and I was stupid to let him even touch MY plant - But all that's changing now!

Thanks for the advice and support, I knew I could find some better advice if I just looked for it! Pot smokers ROCK! So cool and open with good advice :)

Now, I just will need advice on harvesting, drying and curing as I progress :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lol you dont need him he sounds like a wanker, when you say you ' dont want them to just disappear' does this mean there still outside and he knows where?

This site will help you allot more than him, just think theres thousands of people hear to give you advice, and talk about it to see what methods ect will work better for you.
I love this forum lol, i came hear to get help and advise, learned the baseics, now because everyone was so helpfull for me i want to return the favour and help out others :D
Its like one big cycle lol

Grrr im baked and have gone of track again lol, this is a daily thing now¬


Well-Known Member
there is a difference between sloCool and ......this guy isn't stupid. He gets money from you for fu your house, booty when he wants it , and now you will give him half the pot because he will make you feel guilty, you are already scared he will bust on you.... and you will fall for it again. If half is what he 'usually' gets, how many other sloCoolChicks does he have around?? Get a clue 'doormat'. You need harsh. VV


Active Member
Ok, ok, I get it, enough on the "life lessons". Obviously, there must be plenty of favors and good things he's done over the past 5 years to still be my friend - this particular thing just did not sit well with me, so hopefully I'll handle it well without completely dissing him. You don't do that when you live in a small town. And no I don't worry about him busting me, as I know about his plants too. No, it's not outside, but if someone knows where you live and your work schedule .... then I wouldn't want to piss them off ;)

So, back to matters at hand .... The pistols on the upper buds are turning more red by the day, but most are not as fat as I would have hoped. Lots of little buds though ... Do I just give it more time? Will they still fatten up? I thought that you should start harvesting at about 70% red? The top ones appear to be about 50%. It is possible to let them go too long?


Well-Known Member
Yes it is possible to let them go too long. If the buds are in the condition you describe they probably won't fill out much more. Fat tight buds are achieved by using more light not more time unless you let them veg longer at the start. VV