Newbie grower here...cloning question.


Active Member
My plants are pretty tall, but space is an issue! I'm about 2 1/2 weeks into budding and I"m running out of top space...and my plants are burning a little. Can I clip and re-root some of the branches that are budding? Sorry if this is a stupid question! :?


Well-Known Member
you could clone the buds, I've done it, but it takes alot longer than taking reguular clones, and the plant grows funny afterwards.
can you bend the plant sidways? or just bend buds... do some bending anywear you can, and tie it down with anything, pretty much... string, coat hanger, twisties, ribbon, whatever

Pullin' weeds

Well-Known Member
Yeah, bend them over.

I've even given branches a sharp 90 degree bend when needed to keep them away from the heat. They'll take it, almost to nearly snapping it off. If possible, find some sort to support after, either another branch or wire. It'll heal.

Just be sure to think about it before you do it. Don't bend them too high as you might need to do it again as it grows out. only do it once.

Besides, what have you got to loose? the'll burn up if you dont do anything


Active Member
A little trick I learned with bending them is to let them water stress first so the stalk is flexable.