Newbie Grower - Flower week 5 - plant problems?



So I am on my second ever grow and I want to check with some more experienced growers to see if I have cause for concern, or I can leave my plants be.

I am growing with an organic no-till soil methodology, in about 25 gallons of soil with a cover crop of hairy vetch and annual ryegrass, got some one plant of basil in there too, which I keep forgetting to harvest for lasagna :D
I am using RO water for feedings, no additional nutrients and usually watering around 1.5-2 gallons every other day, unless the soil is still wet at the surface.

Got 2 plants, Original Glue (GG#4) and Jack Herer. Both grown from feminized seeds.

Veg went well, I have been extremely happy with everything during this grow, it has been way better than my first grow. Nice to see the things I learned from the first grow are working this time around.

It is now the end of week 5. I started noticing problems a few days ago and have been wondering if it is a normal part of the flowering process, or I have some issues I need to fix.

Some leaves on the Jack Herer plant are lime green around the bud sites at the top of the plant. At the bottom, leaves are yellowing, and getting brown at the edges. On the gorilla glue, leaves are starting to lighten slightly. I have looked at multiple deficiency/toxicity guides and it looks like it could be multiple I need help.

pH is good, I pH the water to around 6.5 each time. Got good airflow, temps and humidity are monitored. No bugs to be seen

Gorilla Glue pics:

20210322_205241.jpg20210322_205249.jpg20210322_205324.jpg20210322_205523.jpg20210322_205256.jpg (both gorilla glue and jack herer in this last pic)

Jack Herer:


Thanks for the help, it is much appreciated as I learn more about this fun hobby

EDIT: I built my soil using the coots recipe at their website: Soil Recipe and I am using vermicompost made at home
Is your soil mix able to handle the vastly different nutrient needs as a plant shifts from veg to the stretch to flower?
Everything is fine. Dont do anything drastic

I haven't done anything yet. Like I said, I wanted to check with more experienced growers to see if I had something to worry about. It is comforting to hear that you think it is ok. My last grow I wasn't checking the pH of the water each time, turns out my RO system churns out acidic water, so I ran into problems in veg but continued to flower anyways and go some airy bud. This time, I applied what I learned from my first grow and everything has been going great. I just want these buds to get fat fat fat :mrgreen:

Is your soil mix able to handle the vastly different nutrient needs as a plant shifts from veg to the stretch to flower?

I believe it should, the ingredient list is:

1/3 Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss (CSPM)
1/3 Aeration - I use 3/8" pumice (aka volcanic glass - completely inert)
1/3 Vermicompost

For each cubic foot add:

1 cup kelp meal
1 cup neem meal or an equal amount of neem & karanja mix
1 cup of limestone or more exactly Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 so Oyster Shell Powder/flour can also be used as it is also a pure Calcium Carbonate material
1/2 cup Gypsum

3 cups of either basalt or granite
Normal. Your plants are using up nitrogen from lower leaves. It will continue from here, so if you think it's a bit early, give a small amount of nitrogen. Otherwise, enjoy the colors as the grow finishes.