Newbe Here!! Just wanted to show my practice grow and had a few questions!!

For what im doing right now is for practice and seeing how far i can get on this mixed bag of seeds a friend of mine gave me!! The plant type are unknown, but out of 50-60 seeds only two sprouted (must be some old seeds!:???:)

what i started out with is i germinated the seeds using a damp papertowel, a ziplockbag and a warm place to put them in!

Next after sprouting i placed them in a rapid rooter plug and mixed 1gal of 6.5ph water + 1/4 ts of Superthrive then watered! Then I placed them in a sprouting tray with a dome over a heating mat and let it grow using 2-4' florecent shop lights with soft white and cool white florecent tubes

Roots were showing at the bottom and sides in about 1 month and 4days so i decided to transplant them to a 5gal plant bucket using Happy Frog potting soil and still using the Superthrive mixture for watering.

Right now the plants are a 1 month and 6 days old and my question is??
When is it a good time to switch to Nutes or should i still use the Superthrive a little longer?

The nutes im going to use are Age Old 12-6-6 for grow and Old Age 5-10-5 for bloom
(Please tell me if these Nutes are good for canabis plants!!)

also plant #2 is looking like it had a chemical burns on it and plant #1 is fine just has small wide leafs! what shall i do for plant #2 to cure and what causes small leafs to grow??


Plant#1.jpg Plant#1