Newb to organic marijuana growing, what can anyone tell me?


Active Member
I have grown organic gardens all my life, and assume there is much that will remain the same for marijuana as for any other plant, but I would prefer my finished product be as awesome as possible. That being said, I think I could first use so help with nutrients. So, here is where I am at, and what I have been doing. I have four carmelicious plants which are in three gallon containers. The soil is a mixture of potting soil, peat moss, chicken manure and sand. Presently the soil Ph is 6.7, and my water Ph is at 7. The pics below show my plants ( now six weeks old, having spent first four weeks under a jumpstart phloro, started from seed ) I have them under 2-120W red/blue LEDs with a small phloro sat between plants to provide under lighting as they grow.
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The middle pic is a plant I dropped a water bottle on and broke off the upper half, didn't seem to phase her much LOL. Thus far I have been feeding them duck poop tea every other watering. They get 8oz. of tea mixed with half gallon water. I researched and found that duck poop has an NPK of 3-26-6, so am I doing good? is there something else I should be doing? or am I just a nervous newb?
I am sure someone will be here to help with this current grow but all I can
suggest is read SubCools Super Soil and mix yourself a batch ASAP for your next go around.

Its a LONG thread, but take a couple days, take notes and read the whole thing (thats what I did)

My soil is brewing right now.

If you read about his mix you will see nothing but praise and I am excited as it makes organic idiot proof for the
common fool like myself.

If you go with the Super Soil feeding them will no longer be a concern.

Oh yes.... The poop, how fresh is this??? I have read from multiple sources you really need to let manure sit for a long
time first for it to break down and for the bad things to die off.

Good luck and as I said I am sure someone who actually knows what they are talking about unlike myself will be in here soon to
help with your current situation :)
I don't know where to start. Your approach is very different than mine, though I appreciate your adventureness (if that's a word). Keep it simple. #1. LEDS, even the 4 color models, are great for vegatative growth, but produce poorly in the flowering stage. It isn't just yeild, but potency as well that is effected. To grow cannabis well you will need a 1000 watt HID with a covertable ballast to allow you to run both metal halide (MH) and high pressure sodium bulbs (HPS). For seedlings and resently transplanted clones (in 6" pots) use inexpensive T-12 floursent fixtures that holds 2-40 watt 48" bulbs (Home Depot $9.97 each). You must keep them within 3 inches of the plants so a set up of 3 or 4 light fixtures combined works best. After about 2 weeks move them into the main growroom under the MH and transplant them into 5 gallon buckets. Do 4 weeks under 18 hours of light and then switch to the HPS bulb and go to 12 hours for 8-9 weeks. Use Miracle Grow Potting soil (with over and underwatering protection) for your first crop. It is easy, well ammended and a perfect pH. Do not add anything. Water with distilled, deionized water or filtered spring/tap water. Chlorine will burn your plants. Never use fresh tap water. Let tap water sit for 48 hours in an open bucket to dissapate chlorine if you must use tap water. Filtered water should be around 6.5-7.0. Perfect for a plant that wants to be at 6.8. Miracle Grow (for over and underwatering) is about 6.5.

KISS. Keep it simple, stupid, is the rule. Do not remove your shade leaves. Only remove leaves that are more than 50% yellowed. Cut off old leaves and weak side branches just before flowering. When in nothing. Plants don't die. People kill them. Good luck.

MiMedicalMJ is correct. Fresh compose extracts nitrogen from the soil which can starve a plant and stunt it's growth. Only use composed, dehydrated products (if you must, K-mart's garden center has an excellent chicken manure). Don't screw with the soil until you have mastered the lighting. The Miracle Grow Potting Soil (over and underwatering protection) is all you need right now. I could do a commercial for this product. No more mixing soil. I've been at this for 25 years. This product is great. It is a simple, ready to use, pH ballanced soil that will easily support your plants through flowering. Just add clean water and light. KISS.