newb question about HPS's. hate away :]


Active Member
i just stole a 150w hps light for flower and tried to hook it to a regular socket. didnt work. dont they require some kinda ballast? if so how big are they? and couldnt i get one from lowes?

thanks for positive input :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
stole a globe by itself, good one... yes a ballast, shade so goodluck going to sell all that


Active Member
so what if im kid. no need to make something of it. everyone was a kid once.


Well-Known Member
I've got a 40 something friend that can't go into home depot without stealing something....Dude owns property worth Millions...Nice house, nice cars...I just don't get it!!!


Well-Known Member
you have to be a kid, why post that you stole it, if you just wanted some help you should have just asked for it, now all you will get is flamed and laughed at..... get some game young man...........


Well-Known Member
you have to be a kid, why post that you stole it, if you just wanted some help you should have just asked for it, now all you will get is flamed and laughed at..... get some game young man...........

haha, i was just talking about this type of thing in another thread...


Well-Known Member
so funny that he's this lost in life and expects his plants to prolly produce 2liter colas in 3 weeks as well.

gl rooks


Well-Known Member
No need to be hating. You may disagree with his methods but his goals are probably the same. His heart is in the right place just not his mind.

Most of the people posting on this site try to contribute to society, not take away from it. Personally I think those that steal and conn others give a bad reputation to the rest of us. Growing some bud doesn't make you a bad person, but stealing your supplies in order to get high, just might make you one. Just my two cents. Then again, I personally am against all those who grow more than they (and perhaps their close friends) personally need. I'm not a big fan of theifs and drug dealers. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
specialkay your soap box is crooked...

talkin about how you stole something in order to grow weed is really going to help with the whole legalization thing too, i'm sure. That move, in no way what so ever makes potsmokers look like desperate loosers that are in the bottom of society. why are kids so dumb? man i bet i was that dumb....bummer.:spew:


Well-Known Member
i just stole a 150w hps light for flower and tried to hook it to a regular socket. didnt work. dont they require some kinda ballast? if so how big are they? and couldnt i get one from lowes?

thanks for positive input :mrgreen:

you have to plug it in 240v with wet hands.....this should help !!!!!!!

nice avatar also...:roll: now i think your a gay thief. (doesnt sound right)...just my opinion.

edit: gay girls are cool....:hump:


Well-Known Member
That move, in no way what so ever makes potsmokers look like desperate loosers that are in the bottom of society.
Did I say that? I don't remember saying that. I remember talking about taking away from other members of society instead of contributing to it, which last time I checked is what stealing does. Nor did I ever mention that theifs are in the bottom rung of society, or that they are desparate loosers. Alot of people steal for the fun of it, have at it. I'm just not a fan of them.

specialkay your soap box is crooked...
Haha, very possible. Just expressing an opinion, never said that it was right or that others should agree.


Well-Known Member
Did I say that? I don't remember saying that. I remember talking about taking away from other members of society instead of contributing to it, which last time I checked is what stealing does. Nor did I ever mention that theifs are in the bottom rung of society, or that they are desparate loosers. Alot of people steal for the fun of it, have at it. I'm just not a fan of them.

Haha, very possible. Just expressing an opinion, never said that it was right or that others should agree.
wow! I'm soooooooo sorry my opinion on scum is the same as yours. why jump down my throat for agreeing with you? forget a pill or something this morning?