newb problemes

orange crush

Active Member
ok im growin sum plants i got from my stepdad because he had to go on a buisneess trip and ask if i could take care of them he told me to put nutrients in it but didn't say what kind or the strain it's about to flower i can tell

it's an outside grow plz hellllpppp


Well-Known Member
Did he leave the fertilizer for you?

If it's getting ready to flower try Fox Farm Big Bud. Who cares about the strain right now. You just want to keep the girls healthy.

Who has plants outside in November?


Well-Known Member
Wow....That is nice. What is the temp in the greenhouse? You need to make sure the temp doesn't go above 85 degrees. Check the ph levels of everything before giving to plants. Is there a very small breeze so the air flows?

orange crush

Active Member
of course it has a fan it's between 85 and 80 during the day but it gets too cold somtimes at night i turn up the heater so it's like 70 and 85 during night

my step dad spent some money on this bitch