Newb in need

Greetings fellow weed heads.
I need some advice!
Heres my equipment list so far:
(soil grow)
4ft x (just short of) 2ft & 5.5ft tall box, all lined in reflective emergency blankets.
3 t8's and a 250watt HPS
also a regular desktop fan..
At the moment i have 1xBig Bang 1xA.M.S & 1xWarlock, all have now produced pistils so im pretty sure they're all female, however, would i be able to tell a hermie by now anyway? i havent forced them to flower, so im guessing the pistils i see are just pre-flowers? All seems to be going ok other than an annoying amount of fruit flies.
I plan on cloning the A.M.S when done with this grow, as it seems (and sounds) like a hardy strain.. But my main question is; whats the maximum amount of clones you'd recommend with my box and amount of light?
any help greatly appreciated.