Newb Grower, Couple Q's. Help Appreciated.


Active Member
Okay.. Where to start? So I've never grown before. I currently have two plants about 2 1/2 Weeks old. They are about a 12"-16" tall and have about 4 nodes with a fifth starting at the bottom of each and seem to be growing at the same rate. I realize that I planted them very late, I am curious as to what effect this will have on my plant? Ex: Dwarfed, Less THC? Also, I had seeds germinating for at least two weeks or so that I had forgotten about and stumbled across today when going through a drawer. To my surprise they were not only intact but had been growing on their own. They had become about 4 inches long, white, and have what looks like the start of leaves. I planted them today, how likely is their survival? My last question is when can I expect my outdoor plants to begin flowering since I started growing them so late? I have been playing close attention to the points at which the stem and leaves attach with the magnifying glass, but have only found what looks to be the start of more leaves, very small in size. They don't look anything like hairs, or the banana-like male flowers. I apologize for my inexperience, lol. Feedback would be much appreciated.