Newb asks for helpful diagnosis


Active Member
Hey everyone, Im a new member here but have done a fair bit of lurking on the boards. I live in the Caribbean and have had moderate success growing a few plants outdoors in the past. After seeing some of the smaller grow cabs/boxes Ive decided to throw one together using mostly scraps from my work truck (Electrician) using CFL bulbs. My first batch is from some decent bagseed as a bit of an experiment.

I used happy frog organic soil (40%) with promix (30%) and perlite (30%). The plant went into this mix about two weeks into veg. stage. 6 Cfls include 2- 42 watt @2700k and 4 -26 watt @6500k. The only nutes Ive used were a weak solution of fish emulsion with the last watering. I also had 1 drop of superthrive in the solution.

I dont have a Ph meter yet, Though I do have pool test strips that have indicated my waters' (rainwater) Ph is about 7. It should be noted that low for a pools Ph is less than 6.8, but after testing my run-off the strip indicated very low Ph or yellow. I attempted to counter this with a tiny bit of baking soda in some water. I havent had a chance to check the run off again because the plants wont be watered again until tomorrow.

What Ive noticed a few days ago is the lower older leaves turning a copper/gold/rusty color from the inside/middle of the leaf. This is happening on at least 2 of 5 plants. The tops of them still look lovely, though.

These pics are not of the highest quality.
Heres the most affected, discolored leaves are north and south

Same plant

The family

Any help is greatly appreciated


Active Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Those pics dont look too bad. Maybe a bit of nute burn on the one leaf tip. Here's a link to ID plant problems. It has good pics too :)
Thanks for the kind words Boneman.

I have become intimately acquainted with this IC guide since I noticed the discoloration, but cant say I see anything that is the same as what Ive got. Nute burn is probably the closest, maybe Boron...?

Would I have nute burn from just the organic soil and a little fish emulsion?:dunce: