NEW VEG BOX - with pic of course!


Well-Known Member
42" x 22" x 36"

The box is divided in 2. this is a prefab cabinet from Home Depot, it came divided so i left it like that. i will eventually use the left side for clones and a mother. The right side was actually bigger than the left side, but the doors were the same size. I had to an a 4 inch wide peice of wood in order for the door to be light sealed. the pics explain this better

Whats inside:

4 40 watt cfls
1 4"inductor fan
4" passive intake
whole lot of mylar

The fan is mounted outside the box for 2 reasons

1 - I found that it PULLS air much better than it pushes
2 - its loud as fuck. its humming noise transferred throughout the box. its not really that its a loud fan, its just that the sheet metal housing is loud and transfers the humming very easily. i suspended the fan on the outside of the box with steel stapping. that helped a lot! but the sound of air movement is still pretty loud. but like i said, i cant push air through ducting with this fan, its just not strong enough.

the left side is not complete yet as you will see.

on to the pics :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i would use a 150 HPS if the box wasnt split in 2. Its short so its not very good for HID. with 168 watts of cfl the box gets about 4-5 degrees warmer than ambient temp


Well-Known Member
no just one flower space. actually Im using the flower space right now to veg. I'm running some tests to see which lamps i want to use in which box,so ive been utilizing both boxes . i may need a third box. funny how easy greed takes over, lol.

Picture 146.jpg - So here is the box i intend to flower with. Its now housing a 175MH as i am using it to veg some seeds. Its going to be a loooooong ways to flower cuz i still need to select a mother, and cloner her. it may not even happen from this batch of bagseed, these plants have been acting really weird. Im ordering seeds soon; I think its time for real genetics.

Picture 103.jpg - here are the 2 larger seedlings. these guys are about 2 weeks old. something like that. they look a little pale and there are some faint yellowing spots.

Picture 100.jpg -here is a close up of the afghan looking plant. this pic was taken outside the box and away from the halide lamp. you can see the colour a bit better. still, it doesn't look as healthy as it should i dont think. theres faint yellowing spots and the leaves are really dry. is 40 - 505 humidity to low? all in all the plants going pretty strong but do you guys see any burn spots?

Picture 144.jpg - here is the other larger seedling. Im pretty happy with her, she has some of the same problems though. dry almost cracking leaves, and shes a bit droopy sometimes.

Picture 115.jpg - the plants are about 9 or 10 inches away from the 175MH. the temps are about high 70's to low-mid 80's. humididy fluctuates a bit from 40 to 60. does this sound good to you guys??

Picture 110.jpg - this is the yellowing i was talking about. it looks like a stain or something. is it hot spots from the mylar? bulb to close? nute problem?. i havent fed them yet, soil is shultz seed starter with pearlite added (it has mild starter nutrients, thats it)

Picture 096.jpg - broad leaf close up. is the yellowing in the vein normal. its dry, too.

please help


is your soil moist?do u have drainage?the yellow does not look like nute burn probably too close to the halide how close you have it to the tops?