New to outdoor autos and this years crop / lack of one... HELP!!!!


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I tried fem autos outdoor this year to see if I could get away with it... so here is my plants. issues and problems I need help with.
I started my seeds indoor in 1 G pots under LED grow lights for about 3 weeks (might have been closer to 4 by the time it was in soil outdoor).
I tried 3 types - Jackaberry / Black gold and Juicy fruit.

The Jackaberry grew out about 3.5 feet tall with tons of crystal on it and one huge cola down the center . center stem not to many fan leaves or such.
The juicy fruit and the Black gold did not have time to finish and to Be honest the Jackaberry pistils were just changing from milky through clear and I have to yank all of them due to frost over night. The season stated 07/01 due to large amounts of rain here. (Northern climate 49th par.)

I used gai green organic powdered ferts for growth and for flower.
Did not do huge amount of trimming as it did not need it.




My Black gold and juicy fruit never even finished so I yanked and turning into butter, what a waste.

Next year I plan on adding in a drip line irrigation system to assist in feeding during week when I am not around to tend to plants as they only get attention once a week due to location of garden etc.

So here are my questions I need help with:

WTF am i doing wrong?
How long can I veg autoflowers indoor before I plant outdoor from 1 G pots?
My Jackaberry created the odd seed I found when trimming are those fem autoflower also now? Or am I taking chance in planting these seeds?
Due to northern climate and short grow season I am limited to strains I figure but I have no idea which ones to grow or how to get best / largest healthiest crop?
Seems like I am spinning my wheels and not going anywhere fast.

Please help.

Thank you.
I wish I had good advice for you, some places are really difficult to grow in. Keep searching for fast finishing mold resistant strains, that seems like the best start.

One thing I'll mention, those dead leaves are often a s sign of bud rot. Carefully bend that bud open, and if you see mold inside the bud... well, opinions differ on what to do next, but minimally cut the moldy part off.

People worry about light frost too much. I've harvested guerilla grows just under Georgian Bay, covered in snow, in -2°c at the end of Oct. It all depends on how long it frosts for. Early fall frosts arent really anything to worry about if your plant is reasonably healthy. Lots of rain on the other hand, can be very bad.
I wish I had good advice for you, some places are really difficult to grow in. Keep searching for fast finishing mold resistant strains, that seems like the best start.

One thing I'll mention, those dead leaves are often a s sign of bud rot. Carefully bend that bud open, and if you see mold inside the bud... well, opinions differ on what to do next, but minimally cut the moldy part off.

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Thanks for the info and yes I did find a few spots like this. I am assuming this was due to too much rain this year (bud rot)?
Cut it off and dried / during rest ATM.
Thanks for the info and yes I did find a few spots like this. I am assuming this was due to too much rain this year (bud rot)?
Cut it off and dried / during rest ATM.
Rain can certainly create the environment for it, but as we get towards fall the temperature differences between night and day mixed with some humidity will make morning dew, and that alone can facilitate bud rot even without actual rain. We didn't have a drop of rain in August where I live, but I lost a whole plant to mold. That one was a freebie with apparently weak genetics and was the only mold I saw this season.
People worry about light frost too much. I've harvested guerilla grows just under Georgian Bay, covered in snow, in -2°c at the end of Oct. It all depends on how long it frosts for. Early fall frosts arent really anything to worry about if your plant is reasonably healthy. Lots of rain on the other hand, can be very bad.

I will take your advice for next year and not yank them on first frost, crap I could have finished the toehrs as after the one night it has been very nice temps between 7 - 22 C crap... lesson learned.
Rain can certainly create the environment for it, but as we get towards fall the temperature differences between night and day mixed with some humidity will make morning dew, and that alone can facilitate bud rot even without actual rain. We didn't have a drop of rain in August where I live, but I lost a whole plant to mold. That one was a freebie with apparently weak genetics and was the only mold I saw this season.

Hmmmm so that explains some of this I ran into. Good to know.
Anyone have any idea / suggestion as to how long can I veg outdoor autos inside under LEDS??? Before I transfer outdoor?
Can I not grow them for 1 and a half months indoor under 18 Hours of light? and 6 dark? I have no idea about autos and this sort of thing
Anyone have any idea / suggestion as to how long can I veg outdoor autos inside under LEDS??? Before I transfer outdoor?
Can I not grow them for 1 and a half months indoor under 18 Hours of light? and 6 dark? I have no idea about autos and this sort of thing
Autos veg on there own time system. They flip when they ready. Most folkes don't transplant autos. They get planted in there forever home. I do transplant mine once the seedling stage is over and its rooted nicely but u take a chance of stunning the plant. U have no time for recovery. U might even trigger bloom flip with stressing it. I think autos outside makes alot of sense cus u can do a few runs a year.
Most autos i have dealt with flip 15-25 days old. The quicker the flip the smaller the plant usually.

So better to transplant in 15 days then from seedling?
Or did I read that wrong and 25 days makes them bigger?
Sorry just want to make sure I dont f this up again
So better to transplant in 15 days then from seedling?
Or did I read that wrong and 25 days makes them bigger?
Sorry just want to make sure I dont f this up again
Autos are going to do what they are going to do. No control over it. All you can do is limit the factors that will stress it out and cause it to flip early.
Note the date when the seed(s) crack. Then ask google when is 80 days from that date. That is the approximate finish date and has been the shortest time to finish that I have experienced with the longest being a freaky Christmas tree that went 110. Best to start them in the ground or the pot that they will finish in, but if you must transplant you need to be extremely gentle since any shock will set them back and affect your yields. My experience is that flowering typically begins around 30 days.
So better to transplant in 15 days then from seedling?
Or did I read that wrong and 25 days makes them bigger?
Sorry just want to make sure I dont f this up again
I go by roots. My solo cups are clear so I can see water and roots. No over or underwatering guess work. If they are well rooted its safe to transplant. If u cant see roots then go by size and health of plant. If u do shock them u lose about a week u never get back cus autos dont stop.
This is one that is ready and one not ready for transplant.


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I go by roots. My solo cups are clear so I can see water and roots. No over or underwatering guess work. If they are well rooted its safe to transplant. If u cant see roots then go by size and health of plant. If u do shock them u lose about a week u never get back cus autos dont stop.
This is one that is ready and one not ready for transplant.

Thank you, I will try to go on this formula / info so no more then 30 days and into ground.
As little transplanting and I intend to do it once only from cracked seed to 6" pot and then outside in under 30 days