New to Nutes First grow


Im currently on day 27 and havent used any nutes yet since im using FFoF. A week into flowering and my plant got a problem the leafs were turning yellow and getting brown/black spots at the tips. My nutes finally came today I got FF Tiger bloom but I have little idea on how to use it and when to use it. I water my plant once a day because its in a small pot. So how much of this stuff should I mix with a gallon of water and how many times do I use it a week. I heard to start with 1/4 in the beginning and go up gradually also heard to do it every other water so for me would I water it with nutes every other day? I just wanna make sure before I do anything!!


seamore green

Active Member
increase by week, just watch for burn. If they burn feed them just ph'd water for 2 or 3 waterings then reduce your nutes again