new to growing


Active Member
I am recently new to growing and i know the rules :roll: I want to grow a plant indoors i got my seeds and i don't want to screw this up. I need some help or tips on growing indoors. Such as lighting, water, and any other on growing a healthy, thriving plant.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
well if ur serious you should really look at grow faq but ill sum it up for you first.
basically you should germinate them seeds, put them in some soil preferbly miracle grow or something along the lines of that.
I'm not sure how many plants your intending on growing but lets say a cfl (compact fluorescent bulb) per plant, 5 plants, 5 cfls bulbs. and rig up something so that when the plants sprout the lights will always be 2 inches above the top of the plant. To keep your plant in veg mode you must leave your lights on at least 18 hours a day, and 6 off, 18/6, some people leave them on 24/7. veg mode is when the plant grows, stems, leaves roots. And when you want some bud and tell the sex, you have to change the lighting to 12/12, 12 hours on, 12 hours off, for the flowering stage. Sounds like your first time so I wouldnt worry about ferts or nutes or anything, just get the growing experience down first. no need for vents (if its a small grow), cfls dont put off that much heat. try to put a fan in there to, keep it going always, lets the stems get bigger. Last thing, watering, just water the plants anytime the soils dry, stick your finger in the soil and if its dry more than 2 or 3 inches, water it. also try to mist the plant often, leaves take water in also.

hope that helps, that was alot of writing lol :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ya he pretty much told you everything.
I would say not to go 24/7 with the lights.

not until they are about a week at least.

roots grow best at night and if you want a healthy rooted in plant give it some darkness.