New to growing need help with starting from germination to veg

I'm a newbie in the growing seen. I have invested in a BC Northern Lights system and am looking to grow some fine smoke. I have already acquired the seeds of my choose and moderately familiar with the germination process. After using a damp cheese cloth and the seed has germinated, where do I go from here?? I would like to use my BC Northern Lights System and go with Rockwool, avoid soil if possible.

Thank you!!! So far this forum has been awesome!!!!!!

Thanks for any advice anyone can give!!!


Dr. Skippy Buffet


I don't know anything about indoor growing, but here is some info about Northern Lights:
It has a flowering time of 45-50 days, and prefers to grow in a sea of green setting.

Good luck
Thanks for the input, yet BC Northern lights is the name of the Company I purchased my grow box from. I am looking more for a basic step by step from seed to Vegg.