new to growin


Well-Known Member
hi guys. well long time smoker first time grower.. my prices for bud have gone abit mental of late 0.8g-1.0g for £10 so iv decided to raise my own stock.. iv got a small grow space just about ready its 33cm x 45cm and 71cm tall ( just abit bigger than a pc grow box). now im goin energy saver for my lighting nd im really steering towards leds but dont know if cfl's would be better.. at the min im germin (started yesterday 27 apr) 1x eve monster and 2x white widow x big bud. my monsters cracked and tailed already so shes gone into a small seedling pot nd is merrily sittin in my widow sill ( been told this is ok).
any advice from germin right trhu to harvest woould be appreciated as my research into growin shows me that every1 has thier favored ways of doin stuff.
defo need advice bout led's vs cfl's tho..

cheers nd hope to hear from u's soon



Active Member
cfls are more beginner friendly for certain.

germination you can use paper towel method, it seems to be best overall that ive heard but everyone has their own way me personally i stick them where im gonna grow

not really sure what medium your going for most start with soil. if so get organic soil [no added nutes] fox farm is highly reputable.

get seedlings after tap root into whatever medium 1/8-1/4 inch down. tap root downward. still need to know what medium you plan to use to suggest watering.

if you go cfl use 100 TRUE watt [not equivalent] minimum. 6500k temperature bulbs are best in veg, you can mix it up though just avoid 3500k-4000k temp bulbs. get them 2-6 inch away from plant [2-3 inch is best]


Well-Known Member
Put the seeds on a piece of toilet or kitchen roll that has been put under the tap and the excess water sqeezed out,then put another piece of the damp kitchen roll on top of the seeds.Place them into a sealer bag or small carry bag and tape it shut.Place it between two small plates and put in a sock draw after about 2/3 days check the seeds,if there not cracked put back but if some have then take them out and place about 5 mm below the surface of the medium with the tail faceing down.wet the soil or your medium before adding the seeds.keep the lights close these will give the seedlings the warmth they need..................................................................................tyke


Active Member
if you use soil watering every 2-3 days is best. pick up pot, when you first water it will be heavier than when dry. when you get that "light" feeling is also when you can water but i like to keep a system i do every 3 days. use a 8 inch tall pot [at least] to start. not clear [roots dont like light] with holes at bottom.


Active Member
later you can transplant into a bigger pot. i will let whoever take it from here because idk what your using at all and dont know what else to say lol...


Well-Known Member
yh man cheeers fellas. well i9 got the germin bit righrt then thank fook lol.. +rep for u guys. i'll keep updatin kinda like a journal lol nd if i get really stuck i'll pm u mr lagarret


Well-Known Member
cfl's be here soon my pals cumin ta sort my fans and ventilation out.. my ww x bb seeds are just startin to sprout so they'll get potted in seedling pos 2mora... and my eve monsters just started to poke her head outta the soil :lol: so everyting is cherry so far...
agen fanks for da helps lads..

oh yeh is foil better than white paint for a grow box mines foiled already but iv heard good things bout paint too????????


Well-Known Member
I like flat white paint myself since it's cheap, durable, and easy to clean. Mylar is technically better, but it has to be applied right and it has be the good kind. Wrinkles can cause hot spots. Foil is even worse, unless your worried about aliens reading your plant's thoughts. The difference between mylar and white is very small that it's just not worth the cost.


Well-Known Member
lol the only aliens iv gotta worry bout r the that keep kidnappin the guy im usin for bud til mines sorted lol.. cheers duude nd +rep 4 u


Well-Known Member
this is my eve monster she popped out this mornin (she's drooping cos she was stuck on something in the soil hope she'll straighten out) she shot up about 3/4 of an inch today so i'm well pleased lol eve monster apr 30th #2.jpgeve monster apr 30th.jpg.......... the 2 widow x big buds got potted in seedling pots too
feel free ta comment.