New study about our kids. How do you feel?


Active Member
So the latest studies show that more kids are smoking pot than have in thirty years. At the same time the study shows the same kids are drinking less alcohol and smoking less tobacco. I have two kids , 9 and 11. When they become teenagers I have to ask myself the question "which would i rather they be into?". Ideally it would be none of the above but weve all been teenagers and we all know what they're gonaa do. So how do you see this study? Positive negative? etc... And how do you answer the question all of us parents are posed with?,0,4397646.story

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
It doesn't bother me if my kids smoke herb. What worries me is them talking to their friends and teachers about daddy's indoor garden.


Active Member
I know what you mean. My kids are pretty bright, but they are getting really curious as to all the time i spend in my "shed".


Active Member
So the latest studies show that more kids are smoking pot than have in thirty years. At the same time the study shows the same kids are drinking less alcohol and smoking less tobacco. I have two kids , 9 and 11. When they become teenagers I have to ask myself the question "which would i rather they be into?". Ideally it would be none of the above but weve all been teenagers and we all know what they're gonaa do. So how do you see this study? Positive negative? etc... And how do you answer the question all of us parents are posed with?,0,4397646.story
You might want to start asking yourself that question now. I started smoking weed and cigarettes at 11 and we were getting bottles shortly after. I will say that I have always been a couple years younger than most of my friends, so access was never really limited.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Protect their innocence for as long as you can. :) Can't do it forever, but I'd never smoke around my kids. Never show them my grow. Keep them out of it as much as possible. I hope I will teach them well enough to know not to do a stupid thing like getting involved with illegal activities at school and such. :)


Sector 5 Moderator
I introduced my daughter to smoking pot and I smoke with both she and my son whenever possible. Evidently you are not fully convinced that cannabis is not only the most benign substance on the planet, but it's good for you, possibly even saving your life. When my kids were growing up I never hid the fact that I smoked pot; it helped us develop a great, open relationship.

Sorry but this is in the wrong section; I'm moving it to Toke and Talk; it'll get more airplay there anyway.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I introduced my daughter to smoking pot and I smoke with both she and my son whenever possible. Evidently you are not fully convinced that cannabis is not only the most benign substance on the planet, but it's good for you, possibly even saving your life. When my kids were growing up I never hid the fact that I smoked pot; it helped us develop a great, open relationship.

Sorry but this is in the wrong section; I'm moving it to Toke and Talk; it'll get more airplay there anyway.
That's very true. The plant itself is benign. Society has made utilizing it quite dangerous however. :) In a truly open society perhaps.

Also I just don't think SMOKING is good, no matter the substance. A vaporizer or edibles, that's another thing. :)


Well-Known Member
I choose not to shelter my kids from my smoking, but now I have Grandkids and they don't know about Grandpa's growing or smoking. It sucks!
I think children should be educated about Marijuana, but not by the DARE program. Right now the schools are el prepared to teach about drugs in general
because they are biased.


Staff member
good for them, my mom always told me to smoke pot and not drink or smoke cigs.
i do all but i think smoking pot is less dangerous for everyone, id rather my kid come in and eat my fridge then get into an accident because they got a ride with a drunk driver and died...


Well-Known Member
eh, i think that these things should be kept from kids, at least until they are old enough to handle it. I smoked all summer long with my dad when I was 17, and thats not too bad, because by that point i had come to my own conclusions about weed, and he wasnt there giving it to me when I was younger.
Basically id only smoke with any kids I will have after they are old enough, so like 17-18. Before that point, though, I dont want them to be smoking in my house, or having them smoke in front of me. Its rude imo, I never smoked with my dad until he sought me out, and I would never smoke with or in front of my mom

but id have no problem with them being high in my house, as long as they got their shit done


Well-Known Member
If my kids are anything like me, they'll be into both way too young.

What scares me the most is the area I live in has a HUGE heroin problem. There were 13 drug related deaths in the public school system last year, and I live in a small community.

I would prefer they smoke pot if they have to do something. Drinking is bad news, especially for young people. As long as there is no police trouble, no skipping classes EVER and good grades, I'll be low key on the bud thing.


Staff member
tbh most kids when i remember highschool thought weed was the worst thing in the world ...just fyi and i was in highschool 7 years ago soi doubt its changed that much


Active Member
tbh most kids when i remember highschool thought weed was the worst thing in the world ...just fyi and i was in highschool 7 years ago soi doubt its changed that much
Not according to the numbers. Check the link in original post, its a good read.


Well-Known Member
tbh most kids when i remember highschool thought weed was the worst thing in the world ...just fyi and i was in highschool 7 years ago soi doubt its changed that much
I was in highschool 2 years ago, and weed smoking was much more common than drinking. It's just because it's so much easier to get a hold of, and everyone does it so almost everyone will try it. Picking up a dub sack is as easy as going to Safeway and looking through the parking lot, vs stealing a bottle/finding someone 21.


Active Member
I think that people are starting to understand that alcohol and tobacco are so bad for you and that smoking alittle weed never hurt anyone.


Active Member
tbh most kids when i remember highschool thought weed was the worst thing in the world ...just fyi and i was in highschool 7 years ago soi doubt its changed that much
I know what you mean, the third time I got kicked out of highschool was because some random girl went and told the teacher I had weed. This wasn't even a regular school, to skip details, it was called Drop Back In.
It's funny now though to see the haters from highschool in college and just learning about drugs.