New Strain stretching

Hey guys,

So I've successfully grew two harvests of white widow and wanted to try my hand at two other strains: Auroa Indica and Papaya from Nirvana seeds.

They're currently in their 5th week since sprouting. They were intitially under two CFLs until they sprouted and then transferred to a 400w MH. The problem I am having with both strains is that they are stretching big time. I'd say at least 2 inches between nodes right now. The light isn't too far from the plants. In fact, I am constantly moving it up as the tips of the plants are burning out.

My white widow had no such problem and the clones from the widow are bushy and at managable height.

Do you think it's the strains that are going super stretchy? My wife thinks they are root bound and are growing upwards. There are 8 plants in total, 4 from each strain, all showing signs of preflowers. Recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Pics would help, I grew nirvanas A.I. Did not seem to stretch on me, but then again I used 600w. Though I can tell you more about the plant if you are interested.
Here's a quick video I made. I apologize for the sound. I forgot to take it out.

What were your experiences with AI Raw?


Po boy

Well-Known Member
RawBud - Pics would help, I grew nirvanas A.I. Did not seem to stretch on me, but then again I used 600w. Though I can tell you more about the plant if you are interested.

how do u rate the AI compared to others u have grown ?