new soil grow

could some one plz read through this set up just in case there is some thing am missing, iam using a 3.5x3.5 grow tent about 6.5ft high. will be growing in 12litre pots using john innes mixed with hydroten stones sand and perlite. will be growing dutch passion brainstorm, 600w hps, humidifier, and night time heater ph will be kept at 6.5 and ec will start at 1.0 after 2-3 weeks in soil and gradually build it up to 1.9. light will be on 18/6 humidity at 60% day and 30-40% at night. temps will be 27c day and 22c night. i also have a fan that blows in clean air from outside the tent co2 shouldnt be a problem as my windows are kept open 24/7.

hope i havent missed anything any help appreciated. thanks all