New Shit Has Come To Light Man!


Well-Known Member
Wanted to give you guys a sneal preview of just some of the bad ass stuff thats coming soon over at TGAclothing.

There making new designs as fast as cash flow allows but these are a few of the designs that TGA approved.

The jars will have Strain names on the lids mainly our most famous ones to start.

Feed back is welcome.



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Yeah, I'm digging on 2, 3, and 4.
But I gotta say that the logo looking styles (1 & 6) could use some work.
Honestly, they don't look professional enough to be representing your company (I think some different fonts would do the trick).
Have the artist keep working on them and I'm sure it'll get ironed out.
Same thing with #7, the idea is going in the right direction, but I'm sure they can come up with a better looking likeness of you then that Sub.
I say these things out of respect for you and your product Sub.
I wish I could have told DNA Genetics the same thing before they redesigned their logo and clothing line recently.
They went from one of the most simple and recognizable logos in the industry, to what looks like, an overproduced seal of approval for a highway weigh station.

Despite my design gripes, I'm looking forward to sporting some TGA clothing to keep me warm this Fall/Winter.
I'd love to have an awesome TGA hoodie to add to my collection (as I already have a Sensi Seeds one).
I like the jar, but what's the price compared to a jar of the same size that I can buy somewhere else?
Nice stuff.Wish i could wear some shirts like that but not the best idea around here.

Are the shirts screen printed?

Yeah, I like number three, but walking around with a picture, a logo or anything to do with cannabis is a bad idea if you want to keep your business a secret.
Wanted to give you guys a sneal preview of just some of the bad ass stuff thats coming soon over at TGAclothing.

There making new designs as fast as cash flow allows but these are a few of the designs that TGA approved.

The jars will have Strain names on the lids mainly our most famous ones to start.

Feed back is welcome.


Hahaha, is that a Big Lebowski reference? Good shit!

Nice gear, Sub! Are you putting these out in long sleeves? Are the colors celebrating the return of Plushberry? haha.

Overall, great looking stuff. Love the designs. I am always a fan of the simple TGA logo stuff, but I am sure you have plenty of that already! Nug jar in my future, as well as 4 TGA strains!
Yeah, I like number three, but walking around with a picture, a logo or anything to do with cannabis is a bad idea if you want to keep your business a secret.

This is why I would like to have simple TGA logos sometimes.....then the people that know what it means, you will not have to worry about. Haha. I think the designs are beautiful, but I may just wear the plant logo in my home until it gets legal.
Not talking about your gear Sub, just shirts in general
I am old school. I dont like the Tshirts that are in style now. The huge garish designs that are all over the shirts are buttugly.

I like a Heavy Duty Pocket T with a design on the back, maybe a pocket logo.

Sub, you are my age, how did you go from old school style to todays garish designs on shirts?
Not talking about your gear Sub, just shirts in general
I am old school. I dont like the Tshirts that are in style now. The huge garish designs that are all over the shirts are buttugly.

I like a Heavy Duty Pocket T with a design on the back, maybe a pocket logo.

Sub, you are my age, how did you go from old school style to todays garish designs on shirts?

First rule of business: Don't produce what you want, produce what the customer wants.
I finance the shirt company I dont make the shirts or the designs but the ones I posted I Like and I am the boss so like em or not I like em :)

They look good. Is color for the T-shirts optional when you put them out? I do like the Flowering plant ones they are cool and a pioneer putting full plants on a shirt love it(first ive seen). And the jars are sweet and I grow for myself only and some cool New TGA jars would be nice to hold my Querlke in the future.
Hey Sub

I do like the new T shirt designs.# 3, 4 & 7 in particular strike my fancy.I also like the New Jar's.Gonna have to place an order when the time come's

We are moving forward with the tuxedo design for sure as well as the hats and then jars in that order.
They have already made the new posters which should be up on the site soon.
The hats came in but I didn't approve of the quality of the stitching so that is being worked out and then they will be posted up again.
Anything that is offered on the site has to be something that I not only like but wear and am comfortable with the fit and the design.
WE also listen to you guys that why I do this post so we will be working on a shirt with much less splashy type graffix still sporting the TGA logo just not as flamboyant with visible cannabis leafs etc.
But each design and product run cost about 3000$ so it takes time to build up the product lines.

Thanks and if the Clothing crew posted I am sure they would say thanks as well.
