New setup, new grower temp control help

Hi guys, Getting ready to setup my first ever grow but having a huge temperature problem. My equipment:

80cm x 80cm x 180cm Tent

600w MarsHydro LED (275 true watt)

105m3/h (61cfm) Exhaust fan with carbon filter

Passive intakes

Outside room temp is around 20-23C (68-74F)

My problem is temps are not getting below 32C (90F)

So I just ran a test:

Temp inside tent with nothing on - 23-25C (73-77F)

Light on with no extraction for 1 hour 30 mins, then measuring temps - 33-35C (91-95F)

Extraction on for 1 hour with light, then measuring temps again. - 33-34C (91-93F)

It seems my light is increasing my temp in my tent about 10C, is that normal?

It also seems my extractor fan is not really removing any heat from my room, maybe about 1-2C.

So heres my dilemma do I buy a smaller light, do I buy a bigger exhaust fan or both?!

So any advice/help would be super appreciated.Before lights on.jpg 1hour30 with light on - no extraction.jpg 1hour with extraction+light on.jpg