New setup, advice


Hey i got a new setup here just looking for some info real fast. I got this HPS 250W light, 3 seedlings, they are sprouting, root is about 1 inch long and going to plant soon. Now i got this light about 3 1/2 FEET off the ground.

Is this enough? Can i yield the height of the plant so i do not have to raise this light?

How big of a bucket should i go? I do not want 7 foot high plants.

Yeah im about 5'10 and its up to my belly button off the ground.

Thanks for the info.

luvvin growin

Active Member
youll have to higher once the plant grows.bucket is an average of 10",plant is 2 ft on average to flower,12 to 18" clearance from the plants,that puts your light at 5-5 1/2 fett off the ground.


Well-Known Member
say all whats up i hope its your top cola's lol im a newbie that feels like ive just graduated from stanford from all the **** ive read one thing for sure school was never this fun... as for your plant and it's height in contrast to your light heres the deal..for one its good you got the 250 instead of the 400 but any way the only way ive seen to shorten your plants is to train them to grow sort of sideways try not to stretch your babys to much right now with the lights so far away what i did is compliment my mh with cfl's and had the cfl's on top of my babies about 2" above and the hid about 2' above but not until my girls were ready for that a week or two a mixure of cfl's will do well in veg and then you will cut your veg cycle short going by the hight of the plant mine i stopped veg at 10" and forced flowering on the my plants came out ok so far im hoping they stay under 30" in total..hope this helped..peace pot prosperity


Well-Known Member
topping is ok i guess but im not sure it keeps your plant from gaining height they do lose its main cola and branch out to more cola but most of the ones ive seen toped on here are still well over 4' depending on the strain some are topped and still get to be up to 5/6 feet and wide lol check out the grow journals of roseman he has some of the most respected threads on here and he knows how to get it done cery helpful..peace pot prosperity.. im sorry its called LST low stress training...peace pot prosperity


i got a strain of some humbolt, not sure anything else but comes from a trusted source. So should i hang the lights like a foot from them and give them about 2 feet to grow in height? once they get to the desired level, then i can trigger them for flowering if im understanding correctly.


Well-Known Member
yes in essence that is what you want to do indica grows shorter than saltiva but you dont want to stretch your plants out to much thats why i suggested you get about three or four cfl bulbs to do most of your early seedling and vegative groth once your plant is strong enough to deal with your hid than you go from there at this time your plant i dont believe is strong enough for that light...peace pot prosperity


Well-Known Member
just so im not confusing you if your plants are new sprouts than you should probably use less light at a closer distance (cfl's) untill you get at least your second set of full leaves than go to your hid at about 2' in distance from the top of your plant once your plant reaches its desired lentgh than you switch to your flower timing 12/12 from than on like i said i let mine get to about 10" and than switch to flower...peace pot prosperity


Well-Known Member
hey my man whats up are you still there any progress happening ive been really trying to get this thing right this time seeds are very costly when you dont get anything out of them lol! not actually funny but true.. give me a holla still following you ....peace pot prosperity