New set up...he he he

Kage VS. Shadow

Well-Known Member
Here is my new set up them lights are the best for growing my dad said he would use i bought a fixture and growing lights that have uv rays in them.....yes i have a fan i am using good what do u guys think??? and i am getting myler in a lil C&C
looks dope man!... ur gunna need to make some more room for that babey7 once she roots.. but im sure u know this looks like u know what ur doin
i know what im doing "SOMEWHAT" but im learning.....and i cant WAIT for it to go into a bigger pot but it could stay in there my dad said so idk yet
plants can reach hights of over 6 feet, so assuming this is one of your first wont be able to properly train your plant to grow outwards instead of up.. so it looks to me like your gunna need to move your plant into a taller area once its about a foot tall for maximum growth potential...cause after it gets to a foot... trust me man, they just EXPLODE!
lol dont worry about it i got it under control beleave me.....

right now its like 4-5 inchs....4 leafs....... how tall do they get before they start making new leaves?
nice dude my light bulbs i guess are really really dad picked them out and my plant is growing fast as hell!

nice lil set up btw