new seed quistions?


Active Member
i started 6 new seeds to germin in 1'' rockwool cubes this is my 1st grow and im not sure exactly how long it will take for them to sprout and how long they are supposed to vegetate berfore i move them to the flowering stage.if my strain says it takes 8-9 of flowering then how long will it to get a harvest from seed.also i planted a few differrent strains so will they all vegetate the same amount of time? im so lost. im growing in a growcab so space is kinda limited but ive got a little more space than most growcabs as far as height my plants have enough room to get about 3 1/2 ft tall.does that effect how long i let them veg?:joint:


Active Member
Since your growing indoors, you're in complete control of the plants life cycle. It will veg until you change the light schedule to 12 hours on 12 off. You can do this at any time in the plants life, seems like 12/12 from seed grows are becoming more popular these days. Just remember, when you change the light schedule the plant will AT LEAST double it's size, so keep that in mind while you're vegging.

Anyhow, hope I helped a little bit. Good luck with you little ones. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Most of my seeds will germinate in 2-3 days but I have had some take up to 7. I try not to give up on them too quickly (especially when dealing with a new seed company, strain, etc.)

You can start flowering basically anytime you want to, although I personally would reccomend letting your plants veg for at least a month before starting to flower. You have to consider how big you want your plants to be and how much space you have. Remember when you start to flower, the plants will usually double in size and sometimes more before it is ready to harvest.

You can prune and manipulate your plants into growing into the type of shape you want. Look up techniques such as: SOG (Sea Of Green), Scrog (Screen Of Green), Fimming, LST (Light Stress Training), and Super Cropping.

These are various ways people have "trained" their plants to get maximum yield out of limited space.

Should help you out and good luck! :)