New room but cant cut on exterior


Active Member
I am setting up a 10 x 10 room but I cant cut in the exterior walls or ceiling.

This room is in the basement fully finished, so walls and floor are concrete and the ceiling is the floor of second level.

I am able to use the room nextdoor to run the ventilation too and to house the ballasts.

I was thinking of just aircooling the hoods with an inlet and exhaust going into the room next door.

Also was thinking of putting an a/c in the room to exhast in the room next door too.

any input would be great, I searched 21 pages with no luck.'



stays relevant.
build a 3 sided box to install over the windows... cut holes in the box, install air ducting to those holes. you might even want to put a fake tv light ( in the box on a random timer to prevent any suspicion.


Active Member
That would be a good idea but I forgot to mention that there is also no windows in this room, The house is built on a hill and this room is on the up hill side.

Was used as a media room buy the owners before I rented it.

Its like a dungen...



Well-Known Member
You have to have a way to get fresh air into the room and stale air out...there really isn't any wiggle room. Just pump new air from the neighboring room in and then pump the old air out through the top. If the neighboring room is well vented then you should be fine.


Active Member
I talked with a guy and told me to do a sealed room, basically just vent the hoods, run an ac unit, carbon scrubber and co2.

He said no need for out side air in the room at all, the only reason people pull outside air is for the co2 or to cool the room.

have seen or heard anyone on here doing a sealed room.


stays relevant.
i meant to blow the hot air out... you can passively pull air in from another room in the house as long as your extraction fan is powerful enough.