New plants...

How long does it usually take for plants to get to 5 leaves?

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I started about a month ago with a lot of seeds. I am not growing your typical kind buds, because I am from Michigan and we get that rarely around here... especially seeds for it. I have good buds though... they are high mid-grade pot, so I am excited about a huge harvest.

I have about 35 plants growing right now, all about a month old. I have been using 6: 20 watt Sylvania flourescent lights, a fan all day on low, an air purifier with no scents (I'm sure that's not good for it so I don't put it in there...), and I have it ventilated by a window (I'm not the richest man, and can't afford ducts and all that). :hump:

I have my babies on a 24 hour light schedule... I am using Milorganite (6-2-0) AND Garden Club Select Plant Food (Organic also. 10-2-8) :hump:

My problem is, on some of my plants, the bottom leaves are growing yellowish brown and curling underneath. I have also had problems with phospherous and nitrogen deficiencies but I took care of those with ease (

I would like to know now if things are going wrong so I don't cause any trauma on these lovely ladies.

Is it my lighting, my ferts, or just cuz I am dumb?
Help a nigga out... I'm trying to feed my family :)

I will enclose pics if I know how...



Well-Known Member
First, you need a lot more light. I don't know shit about cfl's, but some people are using 6 lights to grow a plant. Your using 6 to grow 35! Your temps in Michigan are pretty cold right now, so if they are by the window, they are cold and probably saturated in water. All three of these things will slow your growth. Once you fix that then you can pay attention to nutrients and all that. Depending on your soil, your plants probably don't need nutes at this point. Get some light!

Good Luck!!!