new pics. gotta dying leaf problem..


Ive picked off like ten fan leaves from the bottom of the plant so far and more are dying. is this a problem? its been in flower for like almost 2 months i think the buds are really beginning to show crystals. how will i know exactly when to pick it? i was told when the white hairs turn orange an curl. thanks for checkin out my first grow..



Well-Known Member
you got this far without knowing that? do you add nutes ? yeah it is a nute mostly used in vegging but is also needed in flowering. Keep reading my read. Knowledge is power and we need all we can get to fight the man.


Well-Known Member
this late in flowering bro its completely fine. you dont want much nitrogen in your plants once harvested. its bad for taste. that's why we flush the last two weeks. To properly check to see when shes done is to get a pocket microscope and check the tricomes. They are the crystals you see, you gonna want the tricomes to looks mostly an amber shade with some looking kinda of murky or milky. Clear means there's still more growing to do. Yours still has some more time left. I would say you've done well bro congrats. +rep.


Active Member
they look normal for late flowering to me so i would have to agree with Normajean1........some advice for your next one brother sont streatch so much keep those nodes closer together will make for bigger buds = bigger yeild


sweet thanks everyone. its been an experience. i have a lot more to do on my second try. just happy to see something come out of the first round. thanks again