New pics First Grow Cfl Need help :)


Active Member
Whats up guys? My plant was turning a little yellow in the leaves and burning, i recently today just made sure it wasnt in a four sided space anymore, got a timer so its 18 6 lighting now 24 hours liek it was, got a fan, and gave it nutrients.

Ill keep everyone posted:bigjoint:
Here is some new pics of the newl ights and plants.
Help is greatly appreciated.:sleep:



Well-Known Member
how much nutes did you use? looks a lil burned from it.....try watering it with plain water the next couple days to see if it helps


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using? What are the nutes and to what strength??? What is the temp in your space???


Active Member
i actually gave it nuts because it was burned. i didnt know what i could could do so i backed off the top lights, aired it out and changed the lighting, and gave it nutrients. hopefully that was the problem. the 7 little ones are looking good though


Active Member
i dont know the temperature. the soil is peat moss mixed with pearlite. and the nutrients were from a friend. he had used it on his outdoor plant. i just gave the nutrients yesterday and today. i dont knwo the power


Well-Known Member
I would do what fishin said and lay off the nutes for a couple of days and the next time you water flush the shit out that bitch....If i were you i would go get a thermometer i got one at HD for 5 bucks and it's digital and has humidity on it also....
It problly is nute burn...It would help if you knew what the nutes you are using are....Some nutes you use for vegging and some you use for flowering....Also what stage of growth are you in? What type of lights are you using and what size are you using 2700k or 6500k???


Well-Known Member
Also those new plants looks to be alittle stretched you might wanna put the lights closer if ya can...Rule of thumb is if you can put your hand in between the light and the plant and it dosen't burn the back of your hand your good....


Active Member
The plants leaves have been burning for about a week now before i ever used any nutrients for it. I had used nutrients because it was burning. But i will stay away from them from now. I am using 4 26 watt 6500k daylights, two 65 watt cfls( i dont know the k) a 40 watt white cfl 2700k and a 13 watt ( dont know the k). But the plant was burning thats why i used the nutrients. I think taking it off a 24 hour scheduale. gettign a fan and rasing the lights will do the job. Is that a good amount of lights for 8 plants? thats around 300+ watts.


Active Member
Thank you alot guys. It really helps out when people tell me whats wrong or good. Im going to LST the bigger plants so i can grow all 8 plants with the lights at the same height. I hear everyone talking about 150w hps. How many plants can you get a really good yeild off that with? and can you use it for vegging and budding? Do they use more electric than alot of cfl's


Well-Known Member
What size is your space?? If it's not nutes then it's heat....8 plants is alot for CFL's...You would be better of with a small HPS like i'm gonna do....I have 5 plants under 4 23watt 6500k 2 23watt 2700k and a 42watt 2700k....But that's just for a week untill i get either this 150watt HPS i have been looking at in my local hydro store or a 250watt HPS off Ebay....It would help if you could get a temp reading in there....Do you have a outdoor thermometer like the kind you put out your kitchen window??? Also a fan is essential first off it helps the plants grow stronger stems second it keeps the heat down and third it moves the carbon dioxide away from the plants that they make...


Active Member
Yea thanks that seems right. Yea and i just realized i should have just went with a hps, im new to indoor growing and just spent alot of money on cfls and everything. Would a 150w hps bud 8 plants? or or many?


Well-Known Member
ya dude go with what KID said and get that 150w HPS if you can, adding that with what you got would be a nice solid setup, and for only 20 bucks come CANT beat that price!!! its easy to use and the light output is great 15000 lumens for 20 bucks.....the big CFL's like what i got were like 9 bucks a piece, too bad i didnt know about those $20 lights sooner......anyways im done rambling on because i am stoned and i hope that your plant recovers well :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: