New patient, seemingly screwed by 1st grower...


Well-Known Member
Anyone got any advice/info? I've signed papers/pictures of my grower about a week ago, and have not received a phone call, or had any of my 5 phone calls returned...all of which got increasingly angry and explanatory..

1) I'd love a grower that wasnt a selfish scam artist
2) I'd love any information at all about ...'getting rid of your grower' or 'replacing your grower' ....I've not heard of situations like this before, I'm just hoping its possible, is all..

Thanks in advance guys.

Shane Hunter. (Niagara Falls, ON)


Active Member
i'am living in ontario and would love to become a medical user / grower. i have been givin all kinds of meds including opiates, anti depressants, benzos, anxiety meds... the list goes on. it has ruined my quality of life, and i work full-time and have plenty to live for. My doctors would never consider giving me a licence to eat or smoke pot, but I have recently tried it and found it to be 100x more effective for me as any of these pills i take. how do i go about getting this. If i could legally grow, i have alot of experience in growing any kind of plant as it used to be a hobby of mine. I would definitely help you out. hassle free on your end. just help me get what i need to get the ball rolling. IM SICK OF GETTING RIPPED OFF and buying garbage for way to much money.


Active Member
Hows Jennifer? Living in Niagara can be shitty DG wise. most of the "growers" here are asshole scammers. You're much better served growing your own.


Well-Known Member
I'm disappointed that you had that happen to you. Could you not write to health canada and tell them you want to drop that DG and either grow it yourself or find yourself another grower?


Well-Known Member
you have a contract with your grower, take him to court! its that simple or you can call health canada and dump him.
why dont you go to the grow site and see whats going on? you have the address on your forms...


Well-Known Member
ps: why are you trying to get a hold of him now anyway? its gonna take 4-8 weeks to get approval.... he could be gone on vacation


Active Member
Submit new papers with a new grower and a paper stating you are canceling the old grower dg license.

And no you dont have a contract with him. Unless you actually have a written contract with clear terms you dont have anything.


Well-Known Member
a verbal contract is a contract that does stand up in the court of law. the dg application is a contract within itself, states to supply "x" amount every month and it has a start date, its been holding up in small claims for a while mostly for growers not getting paid but patients still wanting meds. if the grower isnt claiming his income from his patient he doesnt have a leg to stand on.

edit: i'm pretty sure that only the dg can cancel once the license is issued. thats what i was told by health canada anyway......wouldnt be surprised that they where wrong either lol.


I have had a similar experience and must say that I have no idea where to turn I was paired with a DG in November of last year with a prescription of 5g a day and was told he would pull early and should have my prescription filled just after new year however I have not been called when I called there was no answer on cell or home and no return call. I have been in and out of hospital and the week after next i go in for a surgery that will make me unable to commute for what the doctor says could be a year so now its back to cesament which is not as effective as the real thing so I sympathize with you because even when I prepared for the time it would take to grow I had not had a call I think weather the product is ready or not once a month you should be contacted about progress and the following months shipment and payment however with that said I believe it may be premature as you have yet to receive paperwork and do not have a script for him to fill yet I think its important to outline what you expect from your grower and he from you before you wait for nothing.


Active Member
im a dg located about an hour and 30 min from niagra falls and im willing to take on another patient if interested private message me and il give you some contact info