New Mystery Clone organic, outdoor advice needed.


around a week ago i recieved an clone of an unknow strain from a friend. he said it might be silver haze, but isn't positive. she was on her 3rd set of leaves. she had bugs, damaged leaves(holes, tears, yellowed, dried pieces). i found out that the bugs were thrips, and treated them with organic neem oil. they seem to no longer be a problem and along with 2 small aplications of compost teas from a friend, and watering, she seems to be doing better. she is now on her 4th set of leaves. the top leaves are a bit droopy and still damaged, the new leaves on the bottom look fresh and healthy. she is starting to flower very small pystls( i needed a magnifying glass just to notice them, but now i see them on all the nodes). this is an outdoor grow, on a balcony in southern california. she is still in the pot i got her in and has not yet rooted it. not sure of the soil type, i just know it's organic. i do no know PH. i water her once a day, usually around 5 PM.
I'm looking for some organic and vegan help, feedback or advice. this is my first grow, but i've read a few books and am finally giving it a shot
does she look ok? what am i doing right or wrong? what else should i do to aid the grow?
photos taken today

when i got her(shitty picture, sorry):

***in comp w/ CA Prop 215 SB 420***