New Mycologists, Need a Deal on a Pressure Cooker?


Active Member
I've seen way too many people trying to get around using a pressure cooker. It's just not worth it. So, I'll fill you in on a secret, what I did.

First off, go to: and sign up for their daily/weekly spam advertisements.

Why would you do that? They offer you a %20 off coupon off of one item in-store. Don't know if you have a Bed Bath and Beyond near you? Ask their web-site!

Now, hopefully at this point you've located a local Bed Bath and Beyond, and you've even given them your email address. At this point, you fire up your trusty ol' printer, print off the coupon and head on over the Bed Bath and Beyond to take %20 off of your pressure cooker.

16 Quart Presto Pressure Cooker
Original Price: $94.99
Sale Price w/ Coupon: $79.16 (plus local tax)

23 Quart Presto Pressure Cooker
Original Price: $104.99
Sale Price w/ Coupon: $87.49 (plus local tax)

Which Pressure Cooker Should I Get?

Simple Answer: The biggest one you can. If you're anything like me, you'll start your first round of jars and develop some strange addiction to watching mycellium grow. You will eventually want to do more and more. The 23 qt pressure cooker holds many more jars.

So kids, what do we need to say about sterility?


Minimum of 90 minutes at a constant 15 PSI. <<< Remember this, it's golden.

Oh and, as a note, eventually canndo will ridicule you for not using bags.
I would stray away from getting a used pressure cooker. Your gauge might not be properly calibrated, which can lead to incorrect PC levels. Or worse, the gasket could be bad and... well bad news bears for you.
A little known secret about BB&B. Their 20 percent off coupons never expire. My wife has a stack of them and we have never purchased anything from there that wasn't 20 percent off. She gives them away so our friends have never paid for anythig there that wasn't 20 percent off. Being into cooking, kitchens, gimicks and small appliances I just love that place.

As far as used PCs - yes gaskets get weak, so do pressure relief ports but what matters is the weight. Your cooker will always cook at 15 lbs if your weight is correct and there is little steam bobbling that weight. Maybe not so for spring systems.

Having had one "explode" - the pressure port blew - it was terrifying, the ceiling was dripping water and it was truely surprising how much water was on the floor from a pressure release of 15 lbs of 250 degree live steam - I would still say that used is probably ok - except for one thing. They say that an aluminum pressure cooker that has been allowed to overheat can be internaly damaged, the aluminum can have new flaws in it that might let the cooker fail before the seals or the port do. While it would not be 15 lbs, a pressure cooker that bursts at 14 will be no fun. it is unlikely that you would see shrapnel but it could possibly direct that steam other than up. I could see third degree burns on a substancial portion of your body if it blew while you were doing something with it - exactly what happened when mine blew.