New light has arrived. BudgetLED Series 3+ 500watt full soec


Well-Known Member
Just waiting on my last 2 plants to finish up under the 600 watt hps and the it's time to re jig the room.

Very excited to try out LED and see if it helps my situation!


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If thats not another Monkey See Monkey Do copy of HLG's design I don't know what is :dunce:
Why, cuz of the lay-out? Awww man that's nothing after seeing all the other differences.
But I personally would have made a few changes to not be a copy cat. Other QB style companies were able to. But at that cost & spectrum, it's quite different. Spectrum colors cost more to ya know.
That Scorpion is where it's at as far as layout goes. Big ups to HLG for that!
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Seems to be a solid choice to me, but I only know HID first hand so this new to me.

The commentary on innovators and brand loyalty is interesting. Aren't proven designs almost always copied and iterated on by others?

Aren't these lights just PCBs with smd's mounted to heatsink and powered by a driver?

Now I'm curious to see what the patent for the quantum board technology actually covers.

I don't know much about patents but it must cover something more specific like the layout and spacing of the diodes on the board, or maybe something else?

I'm sure I could search this up, it might be some light reading for later.

Anyway, lucky for me BudgetLEDs version is at a price point that came in just under my hard cap.
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Ahh not a patent, a trademark.

This is definitely an area I don't know a lot about, but really aren't all of these companies just waiting on the next best diode?

Aren't Samsung, Cree, etc. The real innovators?
There are patents on all our designs..... Think how Apple let Samsung hang themselves..... Also we aren't just throwing random leds together. I have an exclusive led from Samsung in the works now. Spectrum snob board is going in a whole different direction than anyone else. Can you say have your spectral cake and efficiency too.... 3.2 will happen
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I have an exclusive led from Samsung in the works now.

Wow, what is this new diode that can only be sold by you? I think that's very cool that you made such a deal if they are ground breaking and exceed LM301H/B. I can't wait until we get more info! :)

Edit: What's this about Apple? Are they getting into the LED game? WTF? lol
Wow, what is this new diode that can only be sold by you? I think that's very cool that you made such a deal if they are ground breaking and exceed LM301H/B. I can't wait until we get more info! :)

Edit: What's this about Apple? Are they getting into the LED game? WTF? lol

The new led is a flip chip design but different package size and a spectrum specific for "building" the highest possible efficacy specific to plants. Remember we are currently using human centric LEDs to build our plant specific spectrums. Time to think outside the box.......
The new led is a flip chip design but different package size and a spectrum specific for "building" the highest possible efficacy specific to plants. Remember we are currently using human centric LEDs to build our plant specific spectrums. Time to think outside the box.......

Sounds very interesting and could be a game-changer. It's about time the horticultural industry gets special purpose diodes rather than rebranding "B" series diodes to "H".
The new led is a flip chip design but different package size and a spectrum specific for "building" the highest possible efficacy specific to plants. Remember we are currently using human centric LEDs to build our plant specific spectrums. Time to think outside the box.......
Not exactly Stephen. Most of us have 100% Absolutely NOT (Especially You) been providing Human-Centric Lighting. If we had we wouldn't be Led Deficient in so many departments. The leds, not the plants I'm referring to. Only a few have began to incorporate HCL (GrowLightsAustrallia) the rest use monos to fill the gaps or they just say bump it & use the basic HE spectrum,. See, I've been studying Human-Centric for a year & understand it in more ways then one. Sure, Samsung just came out with a Human-Centric, Day n Night spectrum you can mix together with their 301h's, Lh351h n so forth. Multiple options.
Just to clarify. The existing white leds should all be on re-call but instead they are all being replaced with Human-Centric lighting for day & night. There are a shit ton of reasons behind this. One Prime Example is your Boy GG's. He has S.A.D.
And the key reason why Amare has always incorporated 470nm, not just because its obviously the color of the sky & a chloro peak. 470nm's and 430nn are the key nm's in increasing energy levels in humans, animals & plants. They are to be decreased at night & replaced with around 400nm to not mess up our melatonin levels. This is complicated stuff I've studied pertaining to plants, animals & humans in depth. That is how I know there is un-named, coincidal effects similar to the Emerson Effect but in the blue region.

BTW, This is my idea & has been for about a yr now for my new lights hitting the mkt within 6 months. Have paperwork & research going back a yr. There is more to it than just spectrum as well that is why it will be my idea not just some HCL tossed in.. My customers will fully understand this too..
Close enough will be the Bar-8 Hybridway Edition available real soon.
"Hybridway Tech" is not an Affiliate of any other company at the moment but of course I offered Victor a piece seeing how he's been leading spectral technology for plants for about 8 yrs now & i know he cares. Do not think he's interested as it is complicated & expensive. So its all me & That is why diffusion will be used in Hybridway Tech as well because i care about these growers allot more then I do the efficiency #'s.
We have ALL been waiting on the "SNOB" Board. Starting to think its not real? Now you have the tech to build it. Interested to see where you go with it. Goodluck!
BTW, The Diablo 650R is a beast. I'd say with 90% assurance that it would make an exact 1:1 replacement to 1200w DE as for results if it had IR. As for Par, I bet it lines right up. Killer light! Kinda wish we could swap for the Scoroion though so it fits my room & I can show monster plants that stretch, like i did with the 96's. Lmk if that's an option ok? Majority of my keepers are 200+% stretchers.
RN, I think your best bet is to create either small boards or pucks to supplement the spaces in the Scorpion as a quick fix to spectrum.
Diffuse that bad boy & smash most competition.
Not trying to be the Asshole I am, just trying to help after knowing you don't want it.
My Hortri-Centric lighting & fixtures will pave the way for all the guessing companies out there relying on customers feedback to make their next move.
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This has gotten pretty sad. All these companies that are clearly just knocking off someone else design are running away with the spectral development. @Stephenj37826 what say you brother? Take back the reigns man :peace:
Yeah, I'm sure Edison would think the same thing today about everyone ripping off his idea of providing illumination with electricity.

Stephen, you coughing up any royalties to the Edison heirs for using their idea?

That sounds kinda silly doesn't it? Do you understand the flawed logic in your statement now?
To be clear the technology advancement is in the LED chips themselves. How a manufacturer arranges them on a board or bar is just window dressing. The chips are where the technological advancement lies. Not a sheet of metal that the chips are attached to. Spreading light in horticultural applications isn't a new concept. Again, the chips are the technological advancement. Not how they are spread out on a quantum board to improve light spread. That's just common fucking sense dude. Not a technological advancement. Creating the most optimum spread of artificial lighting produced for indoor gardening is a concept as old as indoor gardening. The only thing that has changed is the source of illumination. Instead of a light bulb the illumination now comes from a chip. The concept of light spread now has to be approached differently, but the concept is one in the same. Spread the fucking light distribution. This isn't rocket science and it certainly wasn't an advancement in LED lighting technology. It's a method of improving light spread. Nothing more. Jeez louise.
Just waiting on my last 2 plants to finish up under the 600 watt hps and the it's time to re jig the room.

Very excited to try out LED and see if it helps my situation!
My comments notwithstanding, you have a sweet new light that should produce a beautiful spread of light. I'm looking forward to subbing to your journal. And you can feel even better about your purchase knowing you didn't overpay for the technology :)
To be clear the technology advancement is in the LED chips themselves. How a manufacturer arranges them on a board or bar is just window dressing. The chips are where the technological advancement lies. Not a sheet of metal that the chips are attached to. Spreading light in horticultural applications isn't a new concept. Again, the chips are the technological advancement. Not how they are spread out on a quantum board to improve light spread. That's just common fucking sense dude. Not a technological advancement. Creating the most optimum spread of artificial lighting produced for indoor gardening is a concept as old as indoor gardening. The only thing that has changed is the source of illumination. Instead of a light bulb the illumination now comes from a chip. The concept of light spread now has to be approached differently, but the concept is one in the same. Spread the fucking light distribution. This isn't rocket science and it certainly wasn't an advancement in LED lighting technology. It's a method of improving light spread. Nothing more. Jeez louise.
Really? I read it differently i think. I saw it as him addressing HLG/Stephen about the fact that other companies are making not only exact replicas with no tribute mentioned or royalty paid but also beating him to the punch on providing a Horticultural Spectra.
Basically telling him he's sleeping on spectrum while getting his layout copied.
Efficient led chips were made for offices & warehouses, ect.. not plants. Even now, the new HCL (human centric lighting) coming out is made for barn animals & humans to replace the Led Deficient (HE) Chips everyone dreams about. Not our plants specifically, but we can make them work for that as the concept remains for all x3 (animals, humans + plants).
Really? I read it differently i think. I saw it as him addressing HLG/Stephen about the fact that other companies are making not only exact replicas with no tribute mentioned or royalty paid but also beating him to the punch on providing a Horticultural Spectra.
Basically telling him he's sleeping on spectrum while getting his layout copied.
Efficient led chips were made for offices & warehouses, ect.. not plants. Even now, the new HCL (human centric lighting) coming out is made for barn animals & humans to replace the Led Deficient (HE) Chips everyone dreams about. Not our plants specifically, but we can make them work for that as the concept remains for all x3 (animals, humans + plants).
It sounds like he's saying others are jacking Stephen's technology. If I'm wrong I'll admit my fault. When I was shopping for quantum boards I went with the manufacturer that was able to give me the best value for the dollars spent. As a result I did not purchase from HLG. I'm not saying Stephen isn't doing great work. His lights are fantastic. I believe they are drastically overpriced, and he is not the creator of the LED chips that makes these boards and bars possible.