New LED Grow, Going with the Jaguar 300 Watt Electromagnetic Growlight


Well-Known Member
Well its kinda different from LED... Any thoughts?

I have used LED's before and wasn't too happy with the flowering value of it. In all honesty I think it was because of the company that made them didn't do the research on the wavelengths. Anyhow I did some research and I found this place from a recommendation. I will be using this with a light mover on 2 rails, 18 sites, each being a DIFFERENT strain!! Thats right, 18 different strains all in one relatively small grow.

Thoughts? :fire:


Active Member
induction lights arent new technology. they've been around forever, hehehe. you can even peep they have some great LED panels with a perfect spectral blend for cannabis. they also sell induction lights. peep it.