New In Town, Looking for info and to network

So, here we go...
I am looking to move back to the cali area for the first time in a very long time. I am interested in starting a small business. In order to do that I have to build contacts and network as much as possible. I have not even moved out to Cali yet.
Here are my questions in order of importance to me:
1) Where is a good area I can conduct legal caregiver business?/ What is the best area to move to, keeping in mind cost of living, etc.
2) Where can I get my caregiver's license/Medical marijuana license?
3) Popular strains? - I do have a fair amount of experience growing, and I finally want to put that to use, being that it is my passion. I am looking to delve deep into the community, as i am an "activist" when it comes to this stuff.
I am looking to move out to cali ASAP. I literally just need to find a place to stay, and then begin my adventure from there. Any ideas? Any clues? Any doctors phone numbers, etc, would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know!


Well-Known Member
from my understanding cali is swamped with entrepanuers like yourself and the buisness is pretty cut throat, you may want to consider moving to a medical state that is not populated with caregiver/dispensaries yet.

my 2¢


Active Member
Sacramento is slowly allowing dispensaries to reopen after the feds threatened property seizures for operating. Unfortunately thebgoing rate for top shelf is only 2800-3000 if lucky. sungrown goes for as little as 800lb so its still not easy to succeed. good luck and hit me up if ur close to the 916 530 or 209 area codes. i get to san jose weekly as well. always enjoy making new contacts and farmer friends. bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
colorado. and the other state that just went legal. start on the ground floor before everyone else does. but i guess if your heart in settld on cali then don't let anyone tell you that you can't.