New guy Hydro grow


Hi I'm new here. I've spent quite some time studying a thread i found googling around (How to Grow by Widow Maker) I've just started a grow and wanted to share with you guys and hope to get some advice from time to time. As I've spent time searching this forum, everyone seems to be pretty helpful to each other and I hope to share in the wisdom. I've adapted a lot of the tips posted here to a hydroponic ebb and flow system in a closet. right now things are just up and running and still a bit messy but i shall be posting pics here very soon. In here we've got 3x Bomb Berry, 2x Big Bud, 1 Northern Lights (fem) Today is exactly 3 weeks from planting seed. I'll be updates here soon.


Well-Known Member
just keep the light out of your rez, keep the PH under controll and the water cool and you should do great :)

remember the 2 biggest problems people have with growing is they love thier plants too much (with too much nutrients) and they dont follow the KISS rule (Keep It Simple Stupid)

welcome aboard you will find lots of helpfull people around here but you will also find lots of retards that dont know thier ass from thier elbow, make sure before following anyones advice you research thier tactics on your own. Advice is great but its not always right!!! but if you use it properly it can be a great tool.


thanks for that. I try to keep a lid on my res. as i am constantly checking PH and ppm daily. it is mostly out of the light though. Here's a couple of pics for example. The light is definitely more white than it is blue (like the pic looks.) 400W MH
plnt 1.jpgplnt 2.jpg