new grower


New Member
That plant is about 6-7 inches tall, and I want to clone it. Should I wait until it is larger or cut it soon to promote splitting of the bud. At what stage should I clone the top to achieve a beneficial splitting?



stays relevant.
He means to top it... either way, I don't think there is much of anything to clone there... You've got a little bit of waiting yet. Welcome to RIU by the way! :)


Active Member
Yea your plants look to young still , I watched Mr. Green and he waited till his plants were 2 months old before he took any clones to sex his plants.

Welcome To RIU


New Member
Thanks for the welcome. Yeah they are about 1 month, but the light came late. 7 inches tall. I'm going to upsize the pots (currently 1 gallon) to 3 gallons and wait until they are 2ft to start the flowering photoperiod.
Cutting the top off now would not make any beneficial splitting? I sort of thought if you do it earlier you get more, maybe I'm mistaken (quite likely).