new grower here


i have always been interested in the cultivation of cannabis, my dad medically grows and i am looking to get into it, however i know it takes alot of hard work and devotion and am willing to give it both, so heres my question.......
over the past month or so i have went around town searching department stores trying to find good product for an mj gro, let me tell you, this is a very hard thing to do in my eyes, here is the lineup i have came up with,

-miracle grow perlite
-sunshine pro premium potting soil
-miracle grow blood and bone meal
-alaskan deoderized fish emulsion 5-1-1
-horticultural vermiculite
-and just recently have purchased the whole foxfarm lineup/ big bloom, grow big and tiger bloom

so there it is now i need advice from you'all on how to use all this shit

i was planning on starting the grow plain and simple, the soil i purchased has a good ammount of perlite already in it so not quite sure if it's necessary to add any?
I am planning on sprouting them in the plain soil i purchased(sunshine pro premium potting mix) and letting the develop the first few weeks then slowy introducing the babies to foxfarm, how much should i use and what fertalizer out of the 3 should i start with?

-also if i were interested in using the fish emulsion/blood meal/ or bone meal how would i go about it and is it even necessary if having the whole foxfarm trio lineup to use anything else in assistance?

any advise would be much appreciated, -thanks again