New grower here.Grow cab sketch and questions.

Hello everyone! So i've been thinking about growing for a long time now, and finally got around to planning and is getting ready for the big leap.

I've made a first sketch of the my grow space and naturrally i have a ton of questions, so bear with me :-P

The closet is 0.5m^2 (1m wide, 0.5m deep) and has a total hight of 2m, 1,7m to the top shelf. Within i'm going to fit another closet, the reason being i can't make premanent modifications to it. The big idea here is to get som kind of perpetual growing :-P
I have split the closet in 4 different compartments:
- Flowering area to the left
- Lower right is veging area
- Upper right is cloning area
- Upper is for utility and electricity

The closet will have a total of 3 air intakes (the blue dots and arrows), one carbon filter (pink thing) that wents air up in to the top shelf. One exhaust (orange dot) and one fan blowing from veggie rom to flowering room, the idea being that the carbon filter, filters both compartments. for lights i'm thinking of about 500-600 watts CFL. Computer fans powered by a small computer power supply for venting air in, not decided on fans for filter and exhaust

Now this leads me to the questions:
1. i know the veggie room should have higher humidity than the flowering room, so will this circulation between the two rooms be of any problems? :shock:
2. Will computer fans be sufficient? If not, what fans to look for? I love DIY by the way ;-)
3. Will the lights be sufficient?

The space obviosly is not very big. So i came up with some configuration to grow the plants in.
The idea is to have them bend slightly over like shown the the fig. Hoping this will make use of more space as opposed to having them grow straight up.

So this is what i've come up with so far. I've recently been introduced to growing 12/12 from seed. Will this eliminate the need of the veggie room? and how will perpetual growing work if done 12/12 from seed?

I hope you guys could help me out a little, i'd appreciate it a lot! :-P


Active Member
I'm no pro here, but i suggest calculating the CFM in the box by knowing what kind of fans you are going to purchase to maintain the temperature. As far as putting the veg next to it, i've never tried doing that; but i suppose you can layer the divider with insulating foam + rubber to maintain heat and humidity. The divider and the door has to seal the veggie space perfectly to avoid humidity difference, but most likely that will be hard to control. 12/12 seeds are AF seeds, they bloom pretty damn quick but the yield is less, unless you are thinking of only growing AF seeds you need to have an 18/6 space. Also plan on the system you are going to use for growing in your design, cause different systems require different amounts of space.