new grower help needed please!


this is my first time growing, trying to keep it organic. i just need an idea of whats wrong with my plants ive looked up other post's and im thinking it looks a little like an iron def?? like i said though im a total rookie. the last few days ive noticed the yellowing on a few of my plants and now the leafs are starting to curl up on a few as well. i just checked the ph and its at 6 is that a huge concern? any feedback u guys could give would be a huge help to me thanks014.jpg021.jpg012.jpg019.jpg018.jpg024.jpg


Active Member
they looked dry, you could water even once or twice a day just let them dry out after. mist the leaves now and then and also, they could use bigger pots, for flowering an 8 inch pot is better than a 6 inch pot, yours look like they are in 4 inch pots. you will get a bigger yield even if you just transplant in a bigger pot, and go straight to flowering


ive been feeding them a compost tea guess i should bump up the N a bit. i was talking about the soil for the ph. just bought a ph and moisture meter today so hopefully i keep better care of the watering if thats the problem. for soil would 7 be the best for the ph. thanks so much for the fast reply's much apreciated!!