New grow


Hi beautiful people :eyesmoke:

After driving myself mental with info overload I've Decided to jump in with my first grow.

Here goes -

Setup size: 100sq ft / 4 x 3 mtr
lights: 40 watts per sqft*=4000 watt lighting required ( correct me if I'm wrong!)
Considering either > 4x1000s *advice on which appreciated.
Or was thinking of 2x1000 watt lights*setup on 3.5 light movers (1 light per mover) however trying to work out wether this would be viable is "Kettling me swede " lol so will prob stick to first choice.*

Bulbs: sunmaster 1000 watt dual spectrum OR VHO bulbs , need to do a little more research here although I suspect I will go with the sun masters and carry out an experiment next time, however if anyone has used then advice and input welcome.

Room size can't be made smaller and there's no other altrnative so Im making the space work with a grow of 24 giving loads of space per plant with scope for more later ( would I be right in thinking that 4 ladies per 4sqft is about right?) anyway hopefully im not getting too carried away at this stage, although some may say I'm over stretching it for my first time anyway :mrgreen:

Extraction: I'm thinking of a temperature controlled can ( ruck) for ease of use and to eliminate extra items that would have been required with other fans.*

Filter: rhino 250 *

Also Light-wise would it be best to have super wide air-cooled ones or would my extraction be sufficient.*

Extras include, exolox contact timer

Inlet vents already established*

Much love pork chop


Well-Known Member
Room size can't be made smaller and there's no other altrnative so Im making the space work with a grow of 24 giving loads of space per plant with scope for more later ( would I be right in thinking that 4 ladies per 4sqft is about right?) anyway hopefully im not getting too carried away at this stage, although some may say I'm over stretching it for my first time anyway ....
definiatly over stretching it for a 1st timer. figure at least an hour a day to maintain a room that size. 40 watts per sq ft is a bit low 50 or more is better. I run over 75 watts per.
4 square feet is an area 2feet by 2 feet,kinda small for mature plants. or did you mean a 4x4 area?(16 sq feet)
why cant you go smaller? either a tent or add 2 walls to a corner?


Thanks for reply mad cow,
In terms of space Its 4x4 sqft per plant not 4 as previously mentioned,my mistake. the wattage at 40 per sqft was taken from a grow guide and after other bits of info it seemed to be the general consensus, however your the second peep to have said it's a little low so maybe I would be better off upping the 4 1000's to 6.
I will be in the property on a permanent basis and will be hand feeding so time on site no issue. I could I suppose put in a partition wall and have a veg room.


Hmmnn now im confused!!!!

Working on the lumens scale theory that sub tropical varieties are optimal between 2500-3500 lux then judging by this guide a 1000 watt light intensity at 4 sq mtr would equate to 3500 lumens output, so therefore i would need 2x1000's to cover 8sq and a 600watt to cover the remaining 2sq , correct me if I'm reading this wrong![/url]

Am I reading this all wrong?