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6 Juicy Fruit Clones/6 LA confidential Clones, probably 1 week left to pot these.

Veg Area

Hi all been lurking the forums a bit and learning a lot from them. This is my first post. This will be my first time grow fully supported by a friend who has been going for a while. I've been doing most of the design myself because while my friend has a lot of success, I know I'm way better at homework than he is, and I am going for a more efficient operation than him, based mostly on information I've found researching this and other forums. I do know that there is no substitute for experience and will be turning to him alot I'm sure through the course of this. This will be a legal medical grow supporting my friend's current operation.
Currently my veg and clone room are done and I have 12 clones almost rooted. I have built a DIY aero-cloner i learned to make on this site, and look forward to using it in the future, though I plan to grow in soil. Following my friends system of growing, because he has alot of experience and seems to grow quite effectively, he does veg for approx 7-9 weeks, and then flowers 7-9 weeks. I beleive his yield is approx .5-1 lb per plant. The strains we use are not known for particularly good yields, but faster flowering and ease of growing even for beginners. I have not fully researched everything, ill be following my friend's nutrient and soil routines. I got a cheap PH tester/adjuster kit for water. My tap water is around 7, I leave it out for a day before then PH it down a bit to closer to 6. I currently do not have the tools to test stuff like PPM which I dont fully understand yet, but hoping it won't cause a problem. I figure I'll just err on the side of using less nutes in the beginning to be safe.
I'm not 100 percent sold on my ventilation layout as I'm worried about odors. Trying to keep them non-existent.
I've priced out my major flower room purchases (ballasts/fans/hoods/bulbs/lighting controller) and I'm close to reaching my budget limit. I may have a little wiggle room for dehum/AC unit if necessary.
I couldn't easily get drywall down there so my cinder block walls are already flat white painted and for the studs and ceiling I put silver bubble packing type insulation. I was able to get cheap paneling cut in 4x4 sheets that I will put on the outside of my exposed studs for appearance purposes. I ran many outlets all at 20 amps, with 4 plugs per cuircuit. This was my first time doing electricity, and I did GFCI outlets because it was code (not that code is a huge concern for me). It did turn out that my E-ballast for my veg kept tripping my GFCI well under load, so I swapped that for a normal 20a outlet. I did 1 50 amp dryer outlet I plan to put my flowering lights and fans on using most likely a Titan Helios 12 controller or similar, with a basic timer.
The stand alone carbon filter will be on a 2 hour daylight cycle and constant during dark. It will also be wired to a thermostat that will kick it on if temps get too high.
I understand the controversy of using my hot water heater for co2 however I'm going to take as much precaution as possible. I have a newer house with hard wired smoke detectors one in each bedroom and one in each other main area including the basement just outside the grow. I'm going to convert all of these to combo smoke/CO detectors. I'm also going to put 2 battery powered CO detectors in my grow, 1 for flower 1 for veg. Haven't decided exactly how I'm going to measure my co2 I might just start with a basic thermometer with co2 measuring capability until I clear some more cash. I'll wire a timer to regulate the fan/backdraft damper as best I can during daylight hours. Ultimately I'll want it fully regulated with a controller. Obviously my venting to optimize my CO2 usage isnt great, but since its free anyway not too worried about wasting it. I'll dial it in better as I get some more experience as to how well it works. My other CO2 option would be propane, however, I'm worried about heat, and just as much CO risk. I'm afraid to mess with my natural gas line. I could do tanks, but I do not have an attached garage, and I don't want to draw attention by lugging tanks in and out all the time. 20 lb tanks in a duffle bag or something would be too impractical I assume I would be changing them out a couple times a week.
The only way I could work it was have my veg room through my flower room. I have the doorway sealed with panda film that is sealed with magnets. It's light and air proof as far as I can tell so far. Through holes in the panda film are my passive intake and 8" exhaust hose. If ever have to get in during dark hours I have a switch right inside the flower room door connected to 2 green party bulbs.
Because of space limitation as well as odor control, I plan to either tarp, or box off an area of my flower room for my drying/curing with necessary climate control in that area. My friend uses a 2 week air cure process of hanging then to buckets/jars/vacuum sealed bags. I plan to do what he's doing unless I learn something better.
While my friend is and will continue to be super helpful, he isn't always available, and I have grown to depend on the knowledge of people on this site alot so far through my building and designing. Light proofing and wiring is all I have done in the flower room so looking for any type of advice people have for changes, as well as any general advice. Ideally better odor control methods, or more efficient ways to run things. Also let me know if I left out any important details that could help people better understand what I have going on. I may even do a journal if I feel there is interest. My ultimate goal is maximizing production and efficiency, while staying as legal as possible (including under current plant limit of 24) and staying as far off the radar as possible from neighbors and house guests.