New Grow Room


Active Member
Howdy people.

I'm pretty new to the site, so please notify me if i leave out important details.

So i just finished a grow using only CFL's. Ended up with about 1.5ounce of very tasty skunk passion. I then moved into a new place, which by a great stroke of luck left me with a bedroom that has another utterly pointless room just of it, with a small vent window and a sink for water! Sorted. So i decided to try a new grow using this wonderful space. I was wondering if people could give any advice/ comments on anything I may have left out or that just plain wont work.

The room is more then big enough for the grow (i think) and has some handy shelves in one corner.

The plan is to start 10 femmed white widow seeds under a 250 watt blue CLF and 9 23 watt red CFL's. After 4 to five weeks i plan to send the weakest off to flower under a 400 Watt HPS in a 3x3 foot flower area. Every week i will keep sending the weakest plant to flower, until I have too nice strong mother plants.

I plan to clone these mothers and place the clones on two seperate 1x1 foot shelves under 4x23 watt red cfls. These clones will then be sent to flower as soon as they have rooted. The mothers will be kept in veg under a 250 watt blue CFL and 4 23 watt red CFLs.

The grow will be in potting soil which contains sand and peat for water drainage. I will be using Bio Sevia grow and bloom fertilisers. If possible i will get my hands on bat guano, seaweed fertiliser and worm castings. Clones will be started in 3" peat pots which will be planted straight into 8" pots when sent to flower. I have will have 5 fans for venting the veg and flower rooms as well as for air circulation. The room will be painted flat white.

My first question is, how many clones per week should i get off two healthy mothers?

Secondly, will the 400watt HPS be enough for this many clones?

Anthing else I'm missing/ any problems with this set up?



Active Member
i was going to go with a 600watt hps but i was thinking the 400 watt would make up most of the difference with being closer to plants. I was thinking i would try lst and fimming but wasn't quite sure.

Either way the 400 watt hps is replacing 400 watts of cfls so itl be a big improvement over the last set-up.

I was thinking i would install intake and extractor fans on a box at the window with a fake thin curtian just inside to hide them. it faces into a big secluded back garden with lost of trees so shouldn't be noticable.

I measured the room up earlier. Its 7x8 foot with a open wardrobe oneside built into the wall and a ledge wih a sink aprox 1 foot wide. The flowering area i was thinking was going to be roughly 3x3 foot and the vegging area roughly 2x3 foot. The cloning section is 2 17in x 20in x 17in shelves. The ceiling is nice and high too, roughly 8/9 foot. I doubt the whole height will be used cuz of the light not penetrating that far.