New grow room, but too hot!


Active Member

Im gonna get right to the point, Im growing for the second time but I've encountered a heat problem.

From what I read the idéal temp in a growroom should be from 20-30c, but as a novice grower I made the mistake of buying a 600w lamp for my ~2x2m2 room, so as you can imagine it get's quite hot in there.
With the door open to my room I can keep around 29-30c, but when it's closed it can get as high as ~37c in there, mostly I wonder what that will do to my plants, if they can live in that kind of heat and still prosper or if it will kill them in time.

So mostly what I want to know is if the plants can still live in that temp and still give a good yield or if they will simply die in time, and if there is a good solution to my problem that dosn't make me a very poor man. :roll:

Thanks in advance for the help.


Well-Known Member
You could reduce cost and buy just 1 fan for exhaust. Make a passive intake. Use the savings to purchase a carbon filter to scrub the room air before exhausting it. If you need ideas on this, post the details of your room, l x w x h, closet, first or second floor, or basement. Apartment or house.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
The plants can survive in up to 37c but that is really pushing it. They can survive but they wont flourish. You need to get below 30c..
Do you have an air cooled reflector?

If so I would use the passive air intake like happysack says. Its really the best way to vent out small areas. One fan venting the hot air from the reflector and it will pull all the air from an equal size hole(intake). Just make sure the intake in low to the ground so you can get all that cool air from the floor

I assume your growing in a closet? If so you have to get the hot air outta there. A lot of people cut a vent hole in the wall and vent it into another closet then just patch the hole when your done.